Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Darkmatters Review: MAG Massive Action Game

MAG: Massive Action Game (PS3)

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

It is now 2026: The Post WW3 political climate forces the world's superpowers to turn to Private Military Corporations. The three largest PMCs are locked in a ‘Shadow War’ to control the global, paramilitary contract market. It is time to enlist and enter the world of MAG.

Sony have been working hard to wrest the ‘shooter’ crown from the Xbox360 whose Halo and Gears of War games (along with the multiplatform Call of Duty / Modern Warfare series) have set the pace for online multiplayer killing. In 2009 however the battle was well and truly entered with the awesome Killzone 2 following the decent Resistance 2, Socom and the excellently playable Warhawk as PS3 exclusive shooters of merit.

Now 2010 sees the stakes raised higher with MAG – Massive Action Game which does something that impressive – allows 256 players to fight in one seamless large scale battle, online, at the same time… It’s enough to make Xbox owners cry into their now pitifully small skirmishes by comparison…

Read my full review here

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 am

    The PlayStation 3 multiplies the exclusives now. To take anything away from this fact, we generally entitled to securities with high quality image of Uncharted 2 or Heavy Rain. Read the complete guide for "MAG (Massive Action Game) PS3 Walkthrough And Tips" here:
