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Friday, September 27, 2024

Matt has a Reawakening (review)


Alethea Lyons (@AletheaRLyons)  

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

“I knew those Holy Water-filled bolts would come in handy.” Grace cheerfully patted her crossbow. She reached down a hand and tugged Harper to her feet.
“This will be an interesting one for Saqib to investigate...” 

Prepared to be captivated by Alethea Lyons and her collection of short stories 'Reawakening' which fits nicely between two of Lyons' previous works, The Hiding and The Somnia. 

Each story in this anthology pulses with a wonderful magical allure and eerie ambiance - Lyons writes with a lovely style and creates an excellent, imaginative world into which to escape for a while.

The stories range from the unsettlingly creepy to the fantastically strange, starting strong with "The Cleansing," where a blood moon illuminates York’s ancient streets, revealing hidden supernatural threats. Lyons effortlessly weaves mythological creatures, religious figures, and urban legends into a dark and compelling narrative. Her vivid descriptions make the haunting streets of York feel as tangible as the shadows lurking in its corners.

Another standout is "Never Alone Again," which blends themes of friendship, possession, and spiritual redemption in a way that feels both fresh and familiar. 

Lyons' knack for depicting strong, flawed characters shines through, especially as Harper, Grace, and Saqib confront malevolent forces in stories like “What’s Eating the Cows?” and "Going Around in Circles." These tales are not only entertaining but also thoughtful, exploring themes of loyalty, the burden of duty, and the blurred lines between good and evil.

One of the most engaging aspects of Reawakening is Lyons' ability to make supernatural encounters feel grounded in the everyday. Characters like Harper and Grace live in a world where the extraordinary is a matter of fact, and yet Lyons' portrayal of their personal struggles gives the book a refreshing emotional depth. Whether battling faeries, demons, or haunted spirits, these protagonists feel human, flawed, and real.

Alethea Lyons’ writing remains sharp and evocative, with each short story unveiling layers of world-building and character development that reward both new readers and long-time fans. The seamless integration of mythology, religion, and the supernatural continues to be a hallmark of her style, and Reawakening offers plenty of moments that are as thought-provoking as they are spine-chilling.
In summary, Reawakening is a must-read for anyone who enjoys immersive, well-crafted supernatural fiction. Lyons’ prose is elegant, her characters are compelling, and her stories leave you eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this magical world.

So who is Alethea Lyons?

Writing various forms of SFF, with a particular love for science- fantasy, dark fantasy, dystopias, and folklore. Many of her works take place at the intersection between technology and magic. She enjoys writing stories with subtle political and philosophical messages, but primarily wants her stories to be great tales with characters readers will love. She also has soft spots for found family, hopeless romances, and non-human characters. 
Her short stories can be found in a variety of publications and links for these are on her website. Alethea lives in Manchester, UK with her husband, little Sprite, a cacophony of stringed instruments, and more tea than she can drink in a lifetime. 

Bonus content for The Hiding & other works can be found on her website: https://alethealyons.wixsite.com/stories/seerofyork  

Website: https://alethealyons.wixsite.com/stories

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - pulses with wonderful magical allure & eerie ambiance

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