DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

Read my novel: Complete Darkness

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Look at that git playing his PS3...

"lucky b*st*rd of the year... 2006"

You see that guy - playing his PS3 and smiling like he knows that everybody in the UK wants to kill him and take his shiny Sony console off him because we have been condemned to wait until March for our chance to play the greatest gaming machine ever to grace the planet? Depressing isn't it!?

Anyway here's a cool thing to check out in the mean time:

The Carnival of Cinema

Yes try your luck at the Canival... or just stare at that lovely PS3 and the not so lovely editor of a Playstation mag playing it!!

Darkmatters: H O M E
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Anonymous said...

Best gaming machine ever? Don't make me laugh

Matt Adcock said...

Thanks to the 'anonymous'Microsoft employee above for that comment...

Ben Furfie said...

Not really, the simple fact that they screwed Europe over by not releasing at the same time as the US and Japan sort of means it isn't eligible for that honour...

Reese said...

Do you play with Transformers, as well, Matty?

Lol. Boys and their toys ;-)