DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Friday, May 11, 2007

The Gospel According To Chris Moyles - review

The Gospel According To Chris Moyles
Reviewed by Matt Adcock

In the aftermath of most unsettling events, there follows what has been termed 'Contagious Dead Time'. Cracks that exist in our perception of reality become strained, allowing strange and uncomprehending drips of anti sanity to seep into our conscious realm. So there’s this scratching on my subconscious – and it started when I read The Gospel According To Chris Moyles: The Story Of A Man And His Mouth… And now I’m freaking out – is Moyles really the fabled ‘Saviour of Radio One’?

The Gospel According To Chris Moyles certainly backs up his self professed radio wave messianic claim and the book is such a light read that you can tear through it in a couple of hours.
I have to admit that I like the big mouthed, Leeds United supporting, brash and provocative DJ. He makes me laugh when I catch him on the radio and the book feels very much like he’s managed to rip out a bit of himself (possibly by a bout of intense self mutilation).

The good stuff is where he talks about his life, his various radio jobs up to and including Radio One and the genuinely amusing anecdotes. The bad stuff is the inane name dropping and brown nosing to the various stars he’s interviewed etc…

If you hate Moyles it’s debatable as to whether this book will change your mind – it’s too much ‘him’ dripping from every page – but for those who are either fans or count yourself amongst the few people who might not have come across him, you could do much worse than slip this onto your reading list. It doesn’t claim to be anything more than it is – it’s the story of the man and his mouth…

Darkmatters rating system (out of 5):

Overall ööö1/2 (he really is the saviour)

"caution: this book might make you dig Moyles..."

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