DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Become The Joker - exclusive to PS3 this Summer

"Both were good, but wait till you see Matt 'being the Joker' online this year!"

"This is what we want... PlayStation Home breaking exclusive news!"

If you're a Batman fan, chances are you'll want to be picking up the excellent looking Arkham Asylum game that hits in a couple of months.

Today some very cool news broke in Home... If you want to 'be' The Joker - you'll have to choose the PlayStation 3 version of the game - I'm sold!!

Arkham Asylum was one of my favourite Batman graphic novels so I can see this game getting lots of play when it releases - see you online (cleric20).

"Why so serious? Oh, you have an Xbox 360?"

Read more about this over at the awesome PS3Attitude

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