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Friday, July 06, 2012

PS VITA Running Left 4 Dead & Skyrim

Left 4 Dead and SKYRIM - playable on the PS VITA! 

Skyrim looks like a work in progress but the possibilities are awesome...

Matt Adcock sees the future in the palm of your hand...

Left 4 Dead looks slick!!

Playing excellent PC games on Sony's incredible hand-held - yes please!!

This just in from GameFanatics: With Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) recently acquired cloud gaming service Gaikai. Gaikai is known for offering the best old and new games streaming on their site. I’m sure most of you are wondering where the correlation comes in between Sony and Gaikai and this rumor of bringing PlayStation (PSX), and PlayStation 2 (PS2) games to the PlayStation 3 (PS3).

The rumor goes like this. Sony plans on creating a type of “Multiverse” similar to that of the PlayStationStore (PS Store) where all of their popular gaming titles of old, will be available to stream to yourPlayStation 3. These titles will also be downloadable for a fee, but no details have emerged yet regarding the pricing system or exactly what titles will be on this “Multiverse” first.

(source: http://thegamefanatics.com/2012/07/05/ps1-ps2-games-coming-ps3-streaming-service/ )

"Emma Stone - thinking about playing L4D on her VITA"

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