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Thursday, December 28, 2023



Top Ten Films 2023 

by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)


10. Barbie 

I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world and it’s more than ‘Kenough’ for me!! This was a cracking fun time delivering on a kooky premise and making an important point for female empowerment in the process. As a Snyder fan - I even enjoyed being called out by the sharp screenplay :) Gosling (can’t wait for him in The Fall Guy in ’24) was exceptional - channeling Kenergy sufficient to become the answer to the world’s renewable energy needs! Robbie was pretty much perfect in the lead, this is a film everyone should see - and it was a delight to see girls standing up and applauding such a rousing manifesto!

9. Oppenheimer 

The other half of ‘Barbenheimer’ was something completely different - but just an incredible, challenging experience to witness. Seeing Oppenheimer and Einstein's 1947 conversation where they express the belief that they had indeed started a chain reaction that would destroy the world is a chilling prophecy that we all live in the shadow of. Visually Oppenheimer is a tour-de-force, and the cast are exceptional. Nolan creates films for the ages and this is a worthy addition to his incredible body of work. If you want to be shaken and to ponder humanity’s capacity for self-destruction then this megaton blast will hit the spot…

8. El Conde 

Possibly the biggest surprise of the year - El Conde ( literally 'The Count') is a Chilean super black comedy horror. I stumbled upon this one day when feeling unwell and director Pablo Larraín cheered my right up with this incredibly unlikely winner. Featuring one of the best Margaret Thatcher cameos ever this satire portrays Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet as a 250-year-old vampire seeking death. But his scheming family are after the Dictator’s wealth and so when an eager vampire-hunting nun turns up - chaos ensues… You’ll laugh out loud, you’ll be a bit freaked out, and if you were around in the ‘80s you’ll believe it might be based on a true story!?


7. Rebel Moon 

Zack Snyder is back - and he’s forged a whole new sci-fi universe!! Visually stunning and rip-roaring fun, When a colony on the edge of the galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Darth Vader-alike Regent Balisarius, they dispatch a young woman Kora (not Rey) with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighbouring planets to help them take a stand. Rebel Moon is a stunning sci-fi epic that delivers on almost every level - Zack Snyder has crafted a visually spectacular and emotionally engaging story that takes us to an alternate galaxy far, far away. There are plenty of Easter eggs - not least in the homages to Star Wars, but this is the start of something darker, harder and cooler and I can’t wait for the extended Snyder Cut and part 2!!


6. Maestro 

Maestro is a towering and fearless love story chronicling the lifelong relationship between Leonard Bernstein (Exquisitely played by Bradley Cooper - who also directs) and Felicia Montealegre (the always incredible Carey Mulligan). Capturing the genius music creator and the whirlwind that affects everyone caught in his aura. Similar to his last film ‘A Star Is Born’, Cooper shows that he is a master of depicting relationships of the rich and famous, dark underbelly and all. Come for the excellent storytelling, stay for the amazing music and fascinating plot.


5. Dream Scenario 

What would you do if you started showing up in people’s dreams? Cue Nic Cage as Paul Matthews - a forgettable wannabe author and researcher who finds his life turned upside down when millions of strangers suddenly start seeing him in their dreams. But what starts as a quirky oddity that makes him famous, soon gets creepy when his nighttime appearances take a nightmarish turn, he's forced to navigate the consequences of everyone fearing him… This is super creative and genuinely funny idea that works - in large part thanks to Cage who is on stellar form.


4. Sisu 

During the last days of World War II, a solitary prospector - Aatami Korpi - crosses paths with some nasty Nazis on a scorched-earth retreat in northern Finland. When the soldiers decide to steal his gold, they quickly discover they just tangled with no ordinary miner and maximum righteous carnage ensues. Sisu feels like a Mad Max prequel, the level of violence is OTT but the Nazis deserve it all and Jorma Tommila delivers a memorable performance in the lead. Full jaw-dropping, whoop-out-loud comic book action a go-go!

 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 

Films don’t come much more impressive than this American epic Western crime drama film directed and produced by Martin Scorsese, he also co-wrote based on the 2017 non-fiction book by David Grann. Packed with some of the best actors around - Leonardo DiCaprio plays Ernest Burkhart, who along with De Niro and a fantastic turn by Lily Gladstone bring some incredibly watchable 3+ hours of riveting crime-em-up drama.

 2. Saltburn 

Full metal intoxication and fixation/obsession writ large - deviously delivered by Emerald ‘Promising Young Woman’ Fennell. The plot sees poor working-class Oliver (Barry Keoghan) taken under the posh wing of Felix, a rich student, who invites him over to his estate, Saltburn for the summer. When a series of horrifying events engulf Felix's family - things really might not be all they seem. This is a dreamy, twisted fever-inducing mystery, that will drop shocks and laughs in equal measure. Take a visit to Saltburn, you might come away changed!?


1. Infinity Pool 

Following up on his excellent Possessor Uncut Brandon Cronenberg brings a new horror trip that absolutely blew me away. Gruesome and daring, mind-bending and challenging - Infinity Pool is machine tooled to excite, disgust, and titillate, all at once… Not for the faint of heart or narrow of mind - not much can prepare you for a dip in this freaky, scary, and brilliant flick - Mia Goth is utterly fantastic in an iconic role and Infinity Pool is a guaranteed cult classic for the ages.

Read my review of INFINITY POOL

Honourable mentions: Spiderman - Across The Spiderverse, Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning, Godzilla minus 1, Thanksgiving, Bottoms, Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, The Killer, The Royal Hotel, Totally Killer, Gran Turismo, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. 

>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

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Sunday, December 03, 2023

There must be Angels playing with my heart - ANGELS review




Rachel Churcher (@Rachel_Churcher) 


Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)

‘My blood runs cold, My memory has just been sold, My Angel in the centerfold’ sang the J. Giles Band in 1981 – I was reminded of that song when I read Angels.


Billed as “The LGBTQ+ YA story you've been waiting for: friendship, identity, attraction, disasters ... and finding your wings.”


Angels are a fascinating part of legend. Humans have recorded accounts of angels living among us for as long as we can remember – from those of biblical fame such as Gabriel in the New Testament and the Angel of Death in the Old, these are beings ‘shaped in the image of God’ – a little higher than us mortals and usually packing at least one pair of wings.


In Rachel Churcher’s new angel-em-up, they don't have powers, but they do have wings, wings which they tend to keep to themselves until one breaks ranks and becomes a famous model ‘Kane’ and from then on, all bets are off.

Meet 16-year-old Mel Abbott – your usual off-the-pegged young woman, she well remembers the day she saw Kane's taboo-shattering billboard. A beautiful model showing his wings on Oxford Street, on a photo as tall as a building.

She’s understandably in love with this Adonis, her bedroom filled with posters of his chiseled abs and eagle’s wings – so she’s overwhelmed when she gets the chance to meet him in the heavenly flesh. Alas, it’s not too much of a spoiler to say things don’t get well and a chain of events is set in motion that will have major consequences. Can she find a way to free herself from his shadow, and what will her future hold?

Angels is a pretty standard coming-of-age story, it’s a celebration of friendship and desire, heartbreak and identity. I try not to read many young adult novels as I generally like my fiction a bit darker and fiercer but for an interesting premise, I’ll give them a go. 


It's an easy read, Churcher writes in a nice, relaxed manner and explores themes of friendship, identity, attraction, and finding one's place in the world. 


If this all sounds like your bag, or a decent Christmas present for the YA reader in your life then grab a copy and connect with your inner 16-year-old girl!, and find your wings along the way.

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(3.5 - Angelic coming-of-age heartbreaker

>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click banner below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel 

(now becoming a comic too)...


Friday, October 06, 2023

HOUSE Franchise - You're Invited

HOUSE Franchise

Long term fan, first time reviewing this whole series - Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

Remember the heady days of 1986? I was 15 and the world was generally a more innocent place. Not having watched many scary films (due to strict religious parents) I would however often spend ages checking out the lurid video covers in the local video store. One cover stood out - HOUSE it said, and it had a disembodied hand pressing a doorbell. It was excellent and I knew I had to check it out...

Oh boy - it immediately became one of my all-time favs! The series continued with 3 sequels of, erm, varying quality, but a franchise was born and for me - this is one I'd LOVE to see a big-budget reimagining of in the style of Hellraiser??

'Don't come alone'

HOUSE (15)

Dir. Steve 'Friday the 13th parts 2 and 3' Miner

"It won Roger. It tricked me. I didn't think it could, but it did. It's going to trick you too, Roger. This house knows everything about you. Leave while you can."

Getting a horror comedy right can be a tough ask. For every classic like Gremlins which is near perfect, there are a thousand direct-to-TV efforts that are neither funny or scary!? HOUSE, is very much on the spectrum but happily nearer the classic end even though it has plenty of cheap thrills, it has some genuinely disturbing bits and some great humour.

Superb practical effects, a genuinely fun, off-the-wall plot, and some unforgettable set pieces make HOUSE an absolute '80s gem. It tells the tale of Roger Cobb (William 'Tommy from Carrie' Katt) a struggling writer who inherits a haunted house - it's great and I fully recommend it if you've somehow never come across it!

'Just when you thought it was safe...'

HOUSE II: The Second Story (15)

Dir.  Ethan 'Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror' Wiley

"There it is. Looks like you've got some kind of alternate universe in there or something."

How do you follow up such a winner that the first HOUSE? Well how about going 'full gonzo' with undead cowboys and prehistoric creatures? Yep HOUSE II (love the tag line 'the second story') might not have the scary factor of the original but it sure is a fun romp. It even spawned a Marvel comic!!
'Marvel tie-in comic!'

HOUSE II is a great fun watch, it's much less of a horror film but that doesn't diminish the outlandish goings on. And it maintains some great humour too - think Texas Chainsaw 2 and you'll know the kind of change of pace to expect...

HOUSE III: The Horror Show (18)

Dirs. James 'Jason X' Isaac & David 'Night Freaks' Blyth

"All that did was give me a hard on!"

How is it that often two very similar films come out in close proximity to each other in this case 1989? HOUSE III: The Horror Show - or just 'The Horror Show' in some countries has the same plot as Wes Craven's SHOCKER - serial killer uses electricity from electric chair to beat death and return for revenge... I have some time for both of these films but can't help thinking that if they creative teams had teamed up (e.g. Craven directing H3) we may have had one great horror film instead of two ok ones?

'hey the alien guys want to have a word with us for copyright'

HOUSE III at least has a fun cast with the excellent Lance 'Bishop from Aliens' Henricksen starring as the detective trying to stop the undead killer Max 'Meat Cleaver' Jenke (Brion James). There's very little 'House-ness' in this flick which is a shame but it's fine as a stand-alone '80s slasher. It's not very funny apart from the late '80s fashion though.

HOUSE IV: The Repossession (15)

Dir. Lewis Abernathy (this is the only film he directed)

" There! No more anchovies! "

When there is not more room in hell, cash-in sequels will walk the earth... Ah HOUSE 4, a very mixed bag of not much fun and very little scares. If HOUSE III focused on being a horror film, HOUSE 4 tries to mix up all that has gone before - even bringing back Roger from the original for a cameo.
Best this about this lamest entry of the franchise (which probably killed it off)? PIZZA MAN!! Yes Kane Hodder himself - he's played Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th flicks and Victor Crowley in the Hatchet films but HOUSE 4 will always be remembered for his playing an evil pizza...

'did someone say extra crispy?'

And so the HOUSE films limp to a sadly unsatisfying ending (so far) but I for one live in hope of HOUSE 5 coming and blowing the doors off the horror comedy world one day :)

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:

HOUSE 4 öö

(Overall - see them all but maybe in reverse order so you finish with the orginal and best??!

>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click banner below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel 

(now becoming a comic too)...


Sunday, October 01, 2023

Killtopia Volumes 1 to 5 Review


Killtopia Volumes 1 to 5 Review

Dave Cook (writer @Davescook), Craig Paton @CraigPaton & Clark Bint @clarkbintart (art) 
BHP Comics @BHPComics
Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)
Killtopia is a cyberpunk genre-defining comic book series that delivers a thrilling and visually stunning journey through a dystopian cyberpunk world where life is blighted by the ‘rot’ - a nanobot plague caused by robots. This is a near-future world - the action based around ‘Wreckers’ - humans who hunt robots (and also fight each other to the death in the celebratory ‘Wreckfest’ events. Without spoiling the plot - let me just say that Cook brings a megaton of creativity and a cool tale that takes you over the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Now the first set - spanning five volumes - is complete and after re-reading them I can confirm that they combine some gripping storytelling, intricate world-building, and breathtaking artwork to create an unforgettable experience that will stand as a cult classic into the future.

Volume 1: Setting the Stage
The first volume of Killtopia introduces a future where technology and the human condition have melded in complex ways. Dave Cook and Craig Paton immediately grab you by the eyeballs and smash you face fries into the gritty, neon-soaked streets of Killtopia, a city overrun by nanotech-infected creatures. The protagonist, Shinji, and his AI companion, Crash, embark on a quest that will shape the fate of their world. It’s a riveting start to a series filled with mystery and intrigue.


Volume 2: Down the rabbit hole

The world of Killtopia gets explored and the true nature of Shinji’s mission crosses with famous Wrecker Stiletto. The character development is rich, and it’s easy to get emotionally invested in the struggles and motivations of the players. The kick-ass action sequences really deliver and are not only visually captivating but also serve to drive the plot forward.

Volume 3: Unlikely allies as the world goes to hell

As Crash tries to stop the ‘rot’ things suddenly get a lot worse - the stakes keep escalating and here we transition from Paton to Bint on the art duties which works really well. Cook’s twisted tale adds layers and spins a compelling and detailed plot up to a fascinating point - how will this rollercoaster end?

Volume 4:Epic confrontations

Volume 4 delivers the build-up to an epic showdown, unexpected alliances, and jaw-dropping revelations move things to a fascinating endgame. The artwork continues to impress, with the cyberpunk aesthetic providing a visually striking backdrop to the unfolding drama. Throughout the series, writer Dave Cook weaves a complex narrative that delves into themes of identity, morality, and the consequences of unchecked technological advancement. Killtopia is not just a thrilling adventure but also a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition in a world dominated by AI and cybernetics.

Volume 5: In conclusion

The Killtopia trip comes to a gratifying end. This is a must-read for fans of cyberpunk and dystopian graphic novels, even if I felt the ending wasn’t quite as strong as the build-up. But overall with its compelling characters, intricate plot, and stunning artwork, this series offers a captivating journey through a future that is both haunting and enthralling. By the time you finish volume 5, you’ll be left pondering this dark tale as you wake yourself from such an immersive world.

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:



>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click banner below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel 

(now becoming a comic too)...


Saturday, September 09, 2023

Joey Valence & Brae PUNK TACTICS (Review)



Joey Valence & Brae (@JoeyValence & @heybrae

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20

“Ooh, goddamn, I drop bombs I was born with the brains and the brawn I am the king and you're just a pawn Who's got the high ground now, Obi-Wan?” 
Punk Tactics 

Here is the future – Hip Hop Joey Valence & Brae (JvB) bring their underground sound (which is basically a most excellent Beastie Boys reimagining) and boy is it fun! So it appears that Mike D, Ad-Rock and MCA (RIP) have inspired two swaggering and nerdy spiritual go-getters and far from being talentless cash-in merchants, these guys are great!! 

I found JvB because the artist Jimmy Hobbs who I worked with on my comic 'What Waits For Us In The Dark [Matter]' has been doing the single cover artwork for the band!? Then I had the joy of seeing JvB live last month at their – to date – largest headline gig and they brought their ‘A-game’ – appetites were suitably whetted for their debut album. 

What Waits comic has exclusive JvB artwork by Jimmy on the back>>>

And here is how PUNK TACTICS plays… 

Opening with the title track PUNK TACTICS the stage is set for a rampant good time. Spitting bars with videogame references and some clever wordplay, this is what the world needs right now. Next up is DROP ‘I came, I saw. We came to drop bombs’ a saucy little dance number, followed up DELINQUENT (TEEN TITAN) which is a love letter to comic books ‘…gliding through the city, mask on, Green Goblin. I'm a villain, you a sidekick, Robin’ – it will make your inner nerd grin. 

Coming in hot then we have the one-two punch of WATCH YO STEP and STARTAFIGHT which are all frenetic energy, sneaker namechecks and dance beats. STARTAFIGHT’s ‘Yeah, we get delinquent. Run it, run it, run it, run it like a reprint’ really should be on the soundtrack to the next Streetfighter game… Finishing the violent section is the rocking KILL BILL. 

The duo slip in an Eminem INTERMISSION and then it’s time for poptastic GUMDROP before the laid-back DANCE NOW which is classy and then the smooth vibes of RN ‘feeling good right now’. Nice. The incredible TANAKA 2 comes next with guest vocals from Logic and this is a stone-cold killer track. ‘Non-Stop, Denzel. Heavyweight, Rocky, barbell. Oh, you slick? I'm John Wick. Rambo how I swing the sticks’… 

Personal fav HOOLIGANG kicks the doors in as a follow-up and it’s epic! Man, it was great live too – and has been my ‘drive too fast to’ track since it came out. Before you escape you must also face the beating that will leave you looking like a STREET PIZZA. The fun descriptions of pizza toppings showcase JvB at their most playful. 

Finally, the majestically over-the-top CLUB SANDWICH has been likened to No Sleep Till Brooklyn and that’s not an unfair comparison – it finishes off the album in fine style. 

Wherever the Joey Valence & Brae story goes next, PUNK TACTICS is a great debut album that lays down a marker for a wickedly talented couple of guys who hopefully will take the world by storm…

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:



>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Matt reads the Diablo IV BOOK OF LORATH and reviews

Diablo IV Book of Lorath

Matthew J. Kirby (check his blog here

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

Diablo IV is a fantastic game, I have invested over 100 hours in it and continue to enjoy the challenges that the world of Sanctuary... It is a dream on PS5 and very worthy of your time. So, I was delighted to be asked by Titan Books to check out their gorgeously bound Book of Lorath which is a comprehensive, stunningly illustrated artifact supposedly handed down by the Horadric Order (an ancient band of heroes and scholars) itself...

It is everything you'd want in terms of a key to the lore of Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo franchise's latest offering. You will be immersed into the restless evils that haunt Sanctuary, and find out ways in which the Horadrim wielded the knowledge in this book to light the way for humanity. 

'feast on the knowledge'

In the Book of Lorath, you get to hear ro Lorath Nahr, one of the last of the dwindling Horadrim, on his journey through Sanctuary’s most powerful relics and discover the stories behind them. It is said that Lorath’s hope is that this volume will preserve his knowledge for all time . . . and pass it down to those who will inherit the fight against the Prime Evils. 

Created by the Diablo development team and award-winning author Matthew J. Kirby, this immersive, must-have compendium with all-new illustrations showcases the artifacts that have often been—and might yet be—the key to tipping the fate of the world.

Adventurers should secure a copy as soon as they can!!

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Diablo IV's essential accompaniment.

Thanks to titan books for the copy!

>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Matt sees the Chrome Sky 2 (review)


CHROME SKY 2: The Bounty Hunters

Steven Mccumaskey (@EVCComicsBooks)

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

"Emerging in the gloom of the charcoal dust winds and ice rain came a blurred cluster of shapes nondescript that gradually mutated into the outline of a settlement..."

Journey back to a desolate planet where vast, metallic deserts hide all manner of sins. Following on but also telling the backstory of one of the '3 Devils' from the first issue. 
The plot sees an outlaw bounty hunter getting a sudden attack of conscience after she and her gang wound and cripple a young boy during their latest robbery. 

So far, so gritty, but then a series of double crossings and accomplices turning traitors, sees her left for dead with her comrades running off with her share of the loot.

But they should have made sure - because this bounty hunter isn't dead so easy and launches a quest to seek vengeance against those who betrayed her, justice for the injured child and redemption for herself. Back again is the deathly colour scheme and mix of limited visuals and text, counterposed with some stunning full pages of artwork.

The bounty hunter is wounded and broken in the badlands known as the iron plains, she tackles her first challenges of survival, facing off against the hostile elements and vicious creatures of the desert that threaten to destroy her before the mission can even begin. A fusion of mythic Western and dystopian cyberpunk, Envision Comics are making something very cool here.

Mccumaskey has a skill of spinning a tale that you want to find out where it goes, the good news is that there are another 11 episodes to come!

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(4.5 - There is blood on the wind!! )

Read our review of Chrome Sky 1 HERE

Get your copy of CHROME SKY: The Bounty Hunters

Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out about my dark sci-fi novel...


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Matt's Adventures About to Begin (review)

Adventures About to Begin 

Allen Therisa (@AllenTherisa

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

"‘That David Bowie, he's just an old poof,’ Kelly snorted at this point giving two fingers to Nan's back. ‘And he’s a Nazi. It said so in the papers.’ … ‘You and that David bloody Bowie,’ Kelly sneered, following me one sulky step behind out into the hallway. ‘Why don’t you go and marry him if you think he’s brilliant? Which he’s not.’"

My favourite author was Iain Banks RIP and he started his family drama novel 'The Crow Road' with the line ''It was the day my grandmother exploded." So when the blurb for Adventures About to Begin started 'After the death of his grandfather, Noah’s life is thrown into chaos' I thought I should give it a go just in case it was as good...

OK, whilst Allen Therisa might not be the new Iain Banks (literally nobody is) - he does spin an interesting tale of a family where young Noah faces a repressed past which threatens everything he believes to be true. 

Noah's life is not straightforward, he has to navigate a difficult relationship with his sister, Kelly, as they reflect on their turbulent childhood – being taken from London to live in the Kent countryside following the breakdown of their parent’s marriage. 

The story is set from the 1970s onwards (in Kent where I grew up) and forms an excellent nostalgia trip for those who remember things like Sugar Puffs and Abba (yep, that's me again)!? Adventures About To Begin chronicles a collapsing marriage as experienced by its children and reflects on how memory shapes our decisions at crucial junctures during our lives. 

At times it is funny and touching, as well as a sensitive insight into British family life during a period of great social and cultural change.

Growing up in the '70s wasn't easy and the challenges that Noah faces including the death of his grandfather and remembering the traumatic fallout from his parent's marriage will resonate with many readers. Therisa writes in a pretty basic style but it works here to convey the emotions and thoughts of the cast of characters. I particularly liked the glossary in the back too as it is like a fun trip through British culture of the time period.

Who is this Allen Therisa?

Aside from writing fiction, Allen Therisa also writes for blogs on everything from popular culture to politics, outside of his working life in the world of social media and website design. Adventures About To Begin is his debut novel.

Follow Allen at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allentherisafb

Buy Yourself a copy - https://geni.us/bGe6z

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(3.5 - I am a Tiger... Sorry, the Abba vibes got be there, enjoy a family trip of joy and pain

>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...


This review is part of the world-famous ZOOLOOBOOKTOURS!!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Matt visits The Shadow Galaxy and meets the author Jendia Gammon



J. Dianne Dotson ( @jdiannedotson / @jendiagammon )


Reviewed by Matt Adcock (twitter @cleric20 threads @cleric20 )


“She leaned toward the figure, and saw the outline of a humanoid shape, partially obscured by shadow and a thick layer of ochre-colored dust. The eyes were switched off, and dark. She stepped closer, and found herself staring up at this tall figure, with its smooth face, with no sharp angles. She reached out and touched that face… The eyes flashed open, and two hands seized hers.” RODER


In space, no one can hear you scream ’Ooooo that’s a cool collection of short fiction and poetry from the cross-genre author, science writer, and artist J. Dianne Dotson!’


Doesn’t matter because once you’re caught in this heavy-duty attention-grabbing black hole of short stories and poetry, you will hardly have time to realise that you’ve been whisked off to magical realms, haunted by some fascinating ‘what if’ horror and fantasy and made to search your heart by some Appalachian tales. 


Writing as J. Diane Dotson, Jendia Gammon journeys beyond the conventions of average sci-fi, she trips the light of fantastical oddities and takes you kicking and screaming into some very unnerving places. It all feels deeply personal capturing emotions, longing, regrets, and escapism and it’s written in an engaging and readable style that you won’t easily tire of.


RODER is my favourite of the tales – it is the snapshot of a young woman named Roan who risks her life to help find a robot who captured her heart. It’s a gripping and heart-melting burst of joy – and worth the price of admission on its own!!


I had the chance to put the Darkmatters Interview Q’s to Jendia and here is what she said:


Matt: If you were a superhero – what powers would you have and who or what would be your nemesis?


Jendia: Teleportation, and I’m guessing fresh taffy would make a fine adversary. 


Matt: What is the best sci-fi scene you’ve ever read? 


Jendia: The final goodbye between Lyra and Will in HIS DARK MATERIALS.


Matt: If you were hired to throw a parade of any scale or theme through the centre of London what type of parade would it be?


Jendia: The Most Fantastic Parade full of characters, creatures, and ships from sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and fairy tales.


Matt: You’re in a strange town with £100,000 that you have to spend in a single evening – talk me through what you get up to…


Jendia: I’d pay everyone’s food and utility bills that needed it, for as long as the money stretches.


Matt: Who inspires you most (can be living or dead)?


Jendia: Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin, Octavia Butler, President Jimmy Carter, my husband Gareth L. Powell (Darkmatters review of his Embers of War Trilogy), teachers, librarians, astronauts, medical workers, and scientists. 


Matt: What is the meaning of life?

Jendia: Help others, enjoy the little moments, and eat good chocolate.


Matt: What was the best bit of copy you’ve written / or that you’re most proud of?

Jendia: I’m proud of all my books so I can’t pick one favorite line. But I do like this one in LUMINIFEROUS:


“If it’s chaos to be with you, I’ll take that over order. I’ll hold your hands in hell, and I’ll love you in the heavens.”


Matt: If you could have a robot servant – what would you get it to do for you?

Jendia: Bake me pies.


Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone?

Jendia: I won’t have a tombstone.


Matt: Any final words you like to add...

Jendia: Reach out to your loved ones often.


Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(4 - Recommend you take a trip through this Shadow Galaxy

>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...
