J. Dianne Dotson ( @jdiannedotson / @jendiagammon )
Reviewed by Matt Adcock (twitter @cleric20 threads @cleric20 )
“She leaned toward the figure, and saw the outline of a humanoid shape, partially obscured by shadow and a thick layer of ochre-colored dust. The eyes were switched off, and dark. She stepped closer, and found herself staring up at this tall figure, with its smooth face, with no sharp angles. She reached out and touched that face… The eyes flashed open, and two hands seized hers.” RODER
In space, no one can hear you scream ’Ooooo that’s a cool collection of short fiction and poetry from the cross-genre author, science writer, and artist J. Dianne Dotson!’
Doesn’t matter because once you’re caught in this heavy-duty attention-grabbing black hole of short stories and poetry, you will hardly have time to realise that you’ve been whisked off to magical realms, haunted by some fascinating ‘what if’ horror and fantasy and made to search your heart by some Appalachian tales.
Writing as J. Diane Dotson, Jendia Gammon journeys beyond the conventions of average sci-fi, she trips the light of fantastical oddities and takes you kicking and screaming into some very unnerving places. It all feels deeply personal capturing emotions, longing, regrets, and escapism and it’s written in an engaging and readable style that you won’t easily tire of.
RODER is my favourite of the tales – it is the snapshot of a young woman named Roan who risks her life to help find a robot who captured her heart. It’s a gripping and heart-melting burst of joy – and worth the price of admission on its own!!
I had the chance to put the Darkmatters Interview Q’s to Jendia and here is what she said:
Matt: If you were a superhero – what powers would you have and who or what would be your nemesis?
Jendia: Teleportation, and I’m guessing fresh taffy would make a fine adversary.
Matt: What is the best sci-fi scene you’ve ever read?
Jendia: The final goodbye between Lyra and Will in HIS DARK MATERIALS.
Matt: If you were hired to throw a parade of any scale or theme through the centre of London what type of parade would it be?
Jendia: The Most Fantastic Parade full of characters, creatures, and ships from sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and fairy tales.
Matt: You’re in a strange town with £100,000 that you have to spend in a single evening – talk me through what you get up to…
Jendia: I’d pay everyone’s food and utility bills that needed it, for as long as the money stretches.
Matt: Who inspires you most (can be living or dead)?
Jendia: Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin, Octavia Butler, President Jimmy Carter, my husband Gareth L. Powell (Darkmatters review of his Embers of War Trilogy), teachers, librarians, astronauts, medical workers, and scientists.
Matt: What is the meaning of life?
Jendia: Help others, enjoy the little moments, and eat good chocolate.
Matt: What was the best bit of copy you’ve written / or that you’re most proud of?
Jendia: I’m proud of all my books so I can’t pick one favorite line. But I do like this one in LUMINIFEROUS:
“If it’s chaos to be with you, I’ll take that over order. I’ll hold your hands in hell, and I’ll love you in the heavens.”
Matt: If you could have a robot servant – what would you get it to do for you?
Jendia: Bake me pies.
Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone?
Jendia: I won’t have a tombstone.
Matt: Any final words you like to add...
Jendia: Reach out to your loved ones often.
Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:
(4 - Recommend you take a trip through this Shadow Galaxy...)
>>> Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?
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