DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Matt visits Badgers Crossing & Paul Childs

Tales From Badgers Crossing

Paul Childs (@paulychilds


Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20

“ 4.40pm Full time. Spurs 2-1 Chelsea. Tambling’s header gave Chelsea a brief glimmer of hope but in the end they were outclassed. The Robbers “Where are we?” Frankie stepped down onto the gravel and looked out over the murky, still waters of the canal…   

Every town has its Mysteries.
Every town has its Secrets.
Every town has its Ghosts.
This town...

Has MORE - this town is the infectiously disturbing and wackily brilliant brainchild of Paul ‘World Geekly News’ Childs.  Tales From Badgers Crossing is a fantastic collection of partially interlinked short stories, think 'tales of the unexpected - with added badgers, superheroes, and time travel.

I've been taking my time reading through this book - as each of the stories within are worthy of contemplation and reflection. There are numerous easter eggs for fans of sci-fi, fantasy and horror as well as an abundance of nostalgic references that will make you grin if of a certain age!?

The prose crackles with energy and is engaging in the way it delivers such many and varied concepts as pout from the seemingly boundless imagination of Child's creativity. One minute you're taken back to school for some cloakroom spookiness, the next you're deep in a folklore / Footloose mash up and then you'll be swept up in a heist or gigglingly captivated by superhero antics that would make The Boys blush.

Overall the quality control is refreshingly high, sure - like most collections of shorts there were some that resonated more with me than others (personal favs were Phenomenal and A Game of Two Halves) but there are no outright duffers to trip you up here!

Be careful how you go in this town...

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Badgers Crossing is a very special place, highly recommend you take a visit!)

Get your copy of Tales From Badgers Crossing

I was fortunate to get to ask Paul some searching questions - let's see what he said:

Matt: If a mad scientist turned you into a giant badger, who or what would would be your nemesis?

Paul: Well, in the UK, the badger has few natural enemies, so I guess it would be Badger Baiters (a particularly nasty gang of them are the villains in Bait, my follow up novella to Tales From Badgers Crossing). I'd catch them, cage them and then maybe make them fight each other before a baying audience of badgers, so they see the error of their ways. Or maybe just eat them.

Matt: What is the most disturbing thing you’ve ever read or watched in a book/film of any genre?

Paul: I think I'd have to say, for film, it's probably the found footage movie The Borderlands (or Final Prayer in the US). It starts off like a fairly standard ghost story, with some paranormal investigators being sent to an allegedly haunted church by the Vatican to verify the credibility of a miracle - and then it veers into a nightmarish scenario that culminates in one of my worst fears being realised. I can't really say what that fear is without spoiling the ending, but it's... horrifying.

For books, the one that has stayed with me for such a long time is the Stephen King short story The Jaunt from his collection Skeleton Crew. It's a science fiction tale about a father and son in a travel lounge, waiting to teleport to Mars. The son asks how teleportation was discovered, and the father tells most of the story, but leaves out some really horrific details about the times it has gone horribly wrong, so as not to scare the boy. The ending really got under my skin, and it's still there now crawling around.

Matt: If you were hired to throw a parade of any scale or theme through the centre of London what type of parade would it be? Badgers maybe?

Paul: A badger parade sounds awesome, but I'd love to see a big celebration of geek culture in a parade - like a moving Comic-Con. Instead of standing for hours waiting for a signed photo of Lou Ferrigno or Dirk Benedict or Dezi Arnaz Jr or whoever, let them come to you, riding on giant Hulk and Battlestar Galactica and Automan themed floats through the streets of London, throwing candy and souvenirs out to the crowd. You could include various film and movie vehicles throughout, like the A-Team Van, KITT or Street Hawk actually being driven by Mr T, David Hasselhoff and Rex Smith. That would be awesome! I really want this to happen now. Even just the vehicles part of it would be the greatest day ever.

part man, part badger, all hero!

Matt: You are granted a supernatural power to bless the world, what does that look like for you?

Paul: I quite like the idea posed in the Red Dwarf episode Justice. The power to turn people's bad deeds back on themselves (so thieves end up having their own things stolen, arsonists suddenly catch fire, badgers baiters are forced to fight each other etc) would soon put a stop to all that pesky anti-social behaviour!

Matt: Who or what inspires you most (can be living or dead)?

Paul: Stephen King is the obvious answer. The sheer volume AND consistent quality of his work just astounds me. I've never read a King story I didn't like.
Also, there is a writer I know called Gemma Amor who quit her job and overcame some really serious personal odds to become a well known and successful horror author. I am in awe of the sheer fearlessness it took to make that decision. Also, her stories are pretty good too!
Matt: There’s a masked assailant with a gun to your head, who is most likely
to be under the mask?

Paul: I’m a pretty nice guy so, like the badger, I have few natural enemies. However, in a previous job someone seemed to take an instant and intense disliking to me and I can't for the life of me work out why. I forget his name, but it's probably that guy under the mask. I haven't really thought about him since I left, but I imagine he has been seething with rage for the last eight years, plotting and muttering things like "Why I oughta... I'll get that Paul Childs if it's the last thing I do..."

Matt: What is the meaning of life?

Paul: Hey, I'm a nerd. Obviously it's 42. Seriously though... If something makes you happy - do it. For example, I love Lego (who doesn't) and with the first batch of proceeds from Tales From Badgers Crossing, I bought the new Optimus Prime kit, much to my mum's dismay ("Why?", "Where are you going to put it?", "You're a grown man," etc). I spent years as a kid trying to build him from the various multicoloured bricks I had, but never quite got it right, so for there to be an actual kit, in the correct colours, that even transforms without having to take him apart, was an utter dream come true. I enjoyed building him so much. Don't let what people think stop you from doing something that makes you happy.

Matt: What was the best gift you’ve ever been given?

Paul: The boring answer is probably the car I got from my parents about 20 years ago. It was already 10 years old at that point, and not a very exciting model, but it was exactly what I needed at the time, and it was cheap to run (it was diesel - how things have changed) and reliable. I was very sad when it finally died due to corroded bodywork (the mechanic said the engine would have done 500,000 more miles, easily).

The exciting answer will be something from my childhood - children get so excited over Christmas and birthdays. I got the Millennium Falcon from my grandparents for Christmas one year - would have been around 1981-82. That was pretty cool. My wife got me a sweet Telecaster for my 30th - I still love that guitar, even though it's very battered now. It just put a new tortoiseshell scratchplate on it and it's a thing of beauty.

Matt: If you could create a badger robot – what would it be able to do for you?

Paul: Well badgers are known for their digging, so it would be a digging robot. We could tunnel all over the place, maybe even build a new society under the ground, like Davd Essex in War of the Worlds.

Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone?

Paul: “I’LL BE BACK" would be pretty good, to freak people out. Or a URL opens a website with a treasure hunt on it, which leads one lucky person, via a series of brain-taxing challenges and deadly booby traps, to my lost fortune (hahahahaha!)
Matt: Any final words you like to add...

Paul: Nice guys only finish last because we let you win. Think about that ;-)


Paul was good enough to expand on his creation of my fav of the Tales From Badgers Crossing Phenonmenal - read on… “I originally wrote Phenomenal as just the main story (without all the email stuff around it), and read it at my writing group, who said it would be better in present tense as it would feel more like reading a comic book. It took AGES to change it, and then the editor of TFBC asked if I could change it into a film script. It's definitely the most gonzo of all the stories in the book (although A Game of Two Halves comes fairly close). I actually shelved it for a couple of years because I didn't know what to do with it (and it was a little too similar to The Boys, which came out on TV after I'd finished it). Then, when I was doing a horror writing course last year, I wrote the barebones of Vulpine during one of the prompt exercises (basically, what if the monster at comic-con was real), and I worked out how to tie them both together and into the wider arc of TFBC. It was SO much fun to write though, playing about with superhero tropes, and coming up with ridiculous names for the superpowered characters.”

Still reading?  In the mood for something chilling? May I recommend this new anthology which I had the pleasure of writing the foreword for and submitting a short story that is included. Proceeds go to charity too so jump in (click the image below):

Friday, July 22, 2022

Matt Calls Upon Chloe Hanks and her tribute to Witches

I Call Upon The Witches


Chloe Hanks (@ChloeHanks4)


Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)


“There is loneliness in mortality, in the knowing

that invisible strings can both draw us together

and pull us apart.”

By the pricking of my thumbs, something fascinating this way comes… 

I Call Upon The Witches is a fantastic short collection of witch-themed poetry that I came across whilst researching The Hertfordshire Drownings.

Author Chloe Hanks has conjured up some incredible, thoughtful and heart-breaking verses, this is very much a book to be savoured and reflected on. Letting the poems seep through your consciousness is almost an act of tribute to the many women who’s lives were taken from them for the so-called ‘crime’ of witchcraft. It is dedicated to Petronella de Meath who was the first ‘witch’ to be burnt at the stake, she was just 24. Other notable women name-checked include Joan of Arc and Elizabeth Southerns - each poem is a voyage of discovery and homage. Topics range from musings on death and mortality to the wacky practice in Willamette where in the autumn people dress up as witches and go paddle boarding… 

Faye Alexandra Rose, author of Pneuma describes it as a ‘poignant and compelling read which turns the traditional female villain archetype of ‘Witches’ into modern female empowerment. Breaking them free from their negative connotations through her use of striking imagery and bold intertextual links, Hanks re-writes history, showcasing that to be a witch is to be human, and perhaps there is a witch inside us all.’

There is much to enjoy here and I heartily recommend grabbing a copy both for yourself and for someone who needs some magical invigoration in their lives. 

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Beguiling & beautiful, meaningful & memorable - poetry to be savoured )

Get your copy of I Call Upon The Witches

After finding we share a love of Taylor Swift via the new magically medium of Twitter, I had the chance to ask Chloe some questions - here is what she said:

Matt: If you were to be granted magical powers, which ones would you want and

what would you use them for?

Chloe: If I had magical powers I would definitely want something cutting edge, like Eleven from Stranger Things. I think too much magical power could eliminate self-sufficiency and perhaps dull down my personality: as we often see in archetypal superheroes. But El’s powers are enough to unsettle rivals, save her friends and sometimes help with the impossible! They are limited which make her interesting and they do not infringe on her character development. And it would be nice to be able to move things without getting up sometimes.

Matt: What is the most disturbing fictional scene you’ve ever read or

watched in a book/film of any genre?

Chloe: TW/ sexual violence

I find sexual violence on screen extremely disturbing and believe quite strongly that it is not necessary. The film Nightingale directed by Elliot Lester contained so much sexual violence in the first 20 minutes that I couldn’t keep watching. I think it is the kind of aggression that could be alluded to, happen off screen or even in a more diluted form but explicit rape scenes do not belong in tv or film in my opinion. I am not sure it serves a purpose if it is traumatising to watch. 

I also have a difficult relationship with vigilante feminism and the use of trauma to justify female villainy. I worry that trauma, especially sexual violence, is becoming a bit of a trope when it comes to fleshing out archetypal female characters which poses a threat to empowering victims and educating ourselves on trauma and how it can manifest.

Matt: If you could meet one woman who was killed as a supposed witch - who would you choose and why?

Chloe: I always say Anne Boleyn though technically she was accused of many things and not executed specifically for witchcraft.

I would love to have met Helen Duncan who was the last woman to be arrested under the Witchcraft Act of 1735. She was arrested in 1944 after performing seances and other spiritual practices; the authorities feared she would uncover war-time secrets and so they used the outdated policies to arrest her.

Chloe with her tome

Matt: How do you know when a poem is 'finished’?

Chloe: It is always a different process for each poem. I find a poem feels finished when the closing lines give a sense of satisfaction or poignancy.

Redrafting poems is another story: I find getting feedback from readers is the only way to know the editing process is complete. Performing poetry and taking note of audience engagement is also a great way to know if the poem feels finished.

Matt: There’s a masked mob leader calling for you to be burnt as a witch - who is most likely to be under the mask?

Chloe: Most likely somebody that I once trusted very much.

Matt: What is the meaning of life?

Chloe: Overcoming challenges.

Matt: What was the best gift you’ve ever been given?

Chloe: Taylor Swift’s album Fearless which I received when I was 9 after a difficult dentist visit.

Matt: If you could have a familiar – what would it be, and do for you?

Chloe: It would definitely be a fox and I think he would discover secrets for me. He would probably be one of those foxes that gets spotted in people’s gardens at very strange moments.

Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone?

Chloe: Chloe Hanks, buried alive.  

In the mood for something chilling? May I recommend this new anthology which I had the pleasure of writing the foreword for and submitting a short story that is included. Proceeds go to charity too so jump in (click the image below):

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Legend of Luther Arkwright (review)

The Legend of Luther Arkwright

Bryan Talbot (@bryan_talbot)

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)

"The die is cast. The Grand Illusion has already begun. We are observers but we are also part of it..."

If you by some chance haven't had the joy of reading The Adventures of Luther Arkwright, stop reading this, get yourself a copy and read it!! Come back afterwards if you want to know if this incredible sequel lives up to following what is considered by many not only to be the first British graphic novel but also one of the very best.

Still here/back? Excellent - I had the immense pleasure of meeting the acclaimed graphic novelist, Bryan Talbot, himself at a preview event for The Legend of Luther Arkwright at the Cartoon Museum in London and I can confirm that he's every bit the legend you'd imagine him to be from reading his work. I had the chance to grab a preview copy of the new Arkwright tome and here are my thoughts on it...

The good news is that not only is Luther back, but he's still a reluctant soldier fighting across a multiverse of parallel Earths and trying to right wrongs whilst facing impossible odds. Legend jumps straight in with a heavyweight threat, Proteus, a being superior to Luther who initially wants to recruit him to their cause. Alas, this cause is to wipe the existence of petty human life and establish a utopia for those like Luther who have powers - so Luther decides to fight!!

inspiring stuff!!

This new 240-page tome works as a stand-alone story but still maintains the much-loved lore and continuity with the Arkwright mythos. There are some fun returns of other characters too, which is just as well as the battle Luther faces here seems so hard to beat, he's going to need all the help he can get.

Chapters break with quotes from Shakespeare and George Orwell, Darwin and H.G. Wells, and the black and white artwork leaps from the pages and jumps straight into your soul. 'Legend' is a staggering achievement by a guy who's been doing this since the 1970s and he's lost none of the mind-altering verve, systemic shock-value or adrenaline-pumping action which are the hallmarks of Arkwright. It's quite something coming some 40+ years after his original story first saw publication.

Luther is a comic book icon, a hero of the underclass who holds no love for fascists. Where previously the backdrop of the rise of the British extreme right influenced Talbot's earlier works (he was doing voluntary illustrative work for his local Anti-Nazi League Group). Now, it feels incredibly timely that as the extreme right seems to be on the rise again, Luther's return is a pertinent one.

Welcome to the real multiverse...

The Legend of Luther Arkwright will, as Talbot's early works be an inspiration to all free-thinking comic creators - I hope that the next Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison or indeed Bryan Talbot reads this and sees just what can be done with the ageless medium of the graphic novel.

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Welcome back Luther - you are a legend indeed!)

Get your copy of The Legend of Luther Arkwright

And whilst here help support this project: Bryan Talbot: The Father of the British Graphic Novel

Check this vid from the Arkwright preview event:

Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out about my dark sci-fi novel which is now becoming a comic too...


Friday, July 08, 2022

Matt meets Julio Carlos - the legend known as 'Scribblesworth'

Matt Adcock (@Cleric20) Meets Julio Carlos (@Scribblesworth1 @Julio_reviews)

It's not every day you get to meet a super-fascinating character who is multi-talented and who commits plenty of time to helping other authors get noticed / improve their craft... But enough about me - I'm here today (virtually) with the Scribblesworth himself: Julio Carlos!?

He describes himself as 'an eccentric poet that crafts powerful verses thoughtfully and precisely, creating works that force you to feel, reflect upon yourself & think (Griever Collection) and allow you to heal (Lifter). He is a very experienced writer with 16+ published books with poetry for all tastes, touching themes such as love (Wasted Hearts), loss, depression, rebirth, devotion, passion (The Sinful Collection), humanity and society with a hefty dose of humour, sarcasm and political-incorrectness...'

I've had the pleasure of having Julio review both the novel and comic version of Complete Darkness which he seemed to like (Book Review, Comic Review), have contributed to his excellent e-magazine a few times and now had the chance to read his collected works!

Reading Julio's stuff is a real trip through a landscape of emotions. His books of poetry take you on journeys of both the heart and mind. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future there are massive banners of Julio's words splashed across cityscapes and people are wearing T-shirts with his poetry on them. If you want some poetic stimulation then I'd advise that you dive in and enjoy the many and various forms of Julio's musings.

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Poetic vibes that will resonate with your soul!!)

I had the joy of putting some questions to the man and here are his answers!!

Matt: Who or what would is your nemesis?

Julio: Hey Hey Matt! Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this interview! Really appreciate it.
Well, I don't have Nemesis that are people or things per se, but I do have my mind, hahaha. The voice inside my head is, at times, VERY negative, and although I do the best I can and actually talk to it,
(sometimes we have strong arguments), I know I still have a long way to go in that aspect. But just like most of my future books, I'm a work in progress.

But I understand that these are just the reflections of my traumatic past experiences while growing up. So, I'll work it out, day by day.

Matt: What is the most life-affirming thing you’ve ever read or watched in a book/film of any genre?

Julio: "Always be in the Fuck-you position". That's the most life-affirming, and one of the most powerful lessons I learned. It's from a movie, I think "The Gambler", about a guy who gambles and get's himself into a HUGE debt. Things would be ok, if the Chinese, Russian and American
mafia weren't involved.
One of his friends (that I think is also a Gang/Mafia Boss) says this to him, and I was like: "OMFG! THIS". Never forgot that, and it's really helpful.

Matt: If you were hired to throw a parade of any scale or theme through the centre of London what type of parade would it be?

Julio: Assuming that I wouldn't be like: WOHOOOO!! London!!!! YEIHHH!!, the parade would be probably about planting trees. Yes. I am a HUGE climate Advocate, since a kid, so every chance to call people upon climate change would be welcome and given that parades call the attention of people, and it would be massive, I think it would help move the needle in that direction.

Matt: You are granted a supernatural power to bless the world, what does that look like for you?

Julio: OH, I would be Ueki!!!! HAHAHHAHAH. So Ueki is the main character of "The Law of Ueki", which is an anime from the 90's and so about a guy that can turn trash into trees through SHEER F*&KING WILL (pun intended), and I think that this power would be sooooooo awesome, because I will make a forest one day, and I love plants and hate non-degradable plastics.*grins*

Here he is...

Matt: Who or what inspires you most (can be living or dead)?

Julio: Pain. I think pain actually is my best propeller to do things. I write on pain, and I achieve most things out of sheer spite and anger. It might like seem cabal, but it's true. Like, people nowadays don't
know how to tolerate each other, and are too selfish to even love, at least, this is what I've been seeing for almost two decades now. So, if I can't be moved out of love, then, I'm moved by the second strongest feeling I have. Pain.

Matt: There’s a masked assailant with a gun to your head, who is most likely to be under the mask?

Julio: My third ex-girlfriend. HAHAHHAHAHHAHA. I think she holds a grudge on me for breaking up with her. She liked me a lot, but the relationship was toxic, so I decided to cut myself off. She is cool though. But if there was one person, the most probable would be her. Plus, she is a Cancer, and that sign holds grudges. HAHAHHAHAHHAHA.

Matt: What is the meaning of life?

Julio: Whatever we give to it. Life in itself is random, and it exists because, well, it exists, and its sole purpose is to perpetuate itself.
When it comes to humans, you, me and our (sometimes unnecessary) complexities, life takes the meaning we paint it. If you would ask me, then, what is, for me, the most appropriate meaning for life, then I would say: To serve others and enjoy Life, and nature. To enjoy our time in here, by helping out others, and "tending" nature. Keeping the balance of things, and you know... have fun! There is no reason for most of what we now do, and most ideologies are stupid and dangerous. To try to be supreme above others no matter what is a waste of time, and it's rooted in fear, and fear is always rooted in ignorance and weakness. Only the ones that serve others know real strength and happiness.

Matt: What was the best gift you’ve ever been given?

Julio: Besides undivided attention... I would say that the best gifts, I got were 1) A paper with Fernando Pessoa's poems, by the same Ex-girlfriend that is holding me at gunpoint; 2) Birthday-sex, from The
Little Goddess, muse of my erotic poetry collection
"Sinful" (Book one - Get it here || Book 2 - Get that too).

Matt: If you could create a sidekick robot – what would it be able to do for you?

Julio: It would be able to transcribe my writings on paper to the laptop, edit my typos hahahhahhahhahaha, and generally help me with my scientific research that I do from time to time. It would also be able to play the guitar or the drums, I need a drummer real bad, hahahahha.

Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone?

Julio: "I'll be back" would be a tempting offer, hahahahahahahahahha, but to be more realistic, (and not to cause giggles on other people's funerals), something like "I lay here without regrets" would be perfect. "To die without regrets" is the main motto of my life, and the main goal. To die without regrets, especially the regret of not trying, and not doing my best on each attempt.

Matt: Any final words you like to add...

Julio: I would like to say THANKS, Matt, for being so awesome and inviting me to your blog on my first interview EVER! Yeih, I'm famous.

To readers of this short interview, I will say, that you can actually get my work, lots of them for free on my Author page , BMAC, and my Blog (Juliocarlosworks.wordpress.com ) and lastly,
if you haven't read Matt's Book, Complete Darkness, correct that ASAP, you are missing out
on a LOT of great stuff in there.

Thank you so much for having me Matt! See you on Twitter!

Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...


Thursday, July 07, 2022

Matt is Nobody's Agent (review)


Nobody’s Agent   

Stuart Field (@StuartField14)

 Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)
“Nash felt the eyes of the others on him, burning with suspicion. ‘I’m here to investigate the bodies found in the mine, so why would I kill the person who was assisting me?’ ”   

Fancy taking a trip to the small town of Finchley, it’s a lovely place in upstate New York, there are some great sights to see, people to meet – oh don’t mind the three bodies in that old mine... Leave those to Sheriff Doug Harrison – he’ll probably get the FBI for help – hmmmmm that’ll be fine. 

But if you want to get real results, you’ll want to be getting in touch with Ronin Nash – a methodical and brilliant ex-FBI special agent who quit after a botched kidnapping left innocents dead. Now he spends his time restoring an old family lake house but maybe his old boss could get him back to crack this Finchley case. 

This review is part of the ninja Zooloo Book Tour for Nobody's Agent

Given the fact that Nobody’s Agent is a Ronin Nash adventure – it’s the least surprising plot development ever that he agrees reluctantly to take the job and travel to Finchley. If only it was only that simple – there are secrets, lies, and death awaiting in this small town, can Nash profile the killer(s) and track them down? Only one way to find out and that is to buy this slick and engaging crime thriller, it’s the first book in Stuart Field's Ronin Nash series and if the rest are as page-turning and exciting as this, crime fans are in for a treat! 

The plot crackles with double-crosses, clues and danger. If you’re looking for a mystery thriller, Nobody’s Agent will blow you away. Field is obviously a serious fan of the genre – this book kicks like the gritty True Detective (which is probably my favourite crime show) and by the end, you’ll be in awe of Nash’s crime-busting skills. 

Exclusive photo of Ronin Nash, erm, I mean Stuart Field!?

I got to ask Stuart some searching questions – have read of these (and then grab your copy of Nobody’s Agent!) 

Matt: If scientists ever managed to create a giant mecha version of you – who or what would be your nemesis?   

Stuart: Probably Godzilla: you just know it would have to be. 

Matt: What is the most thrilling fictional scene you’ve ever read or watched in a book/film of any genre?

Stuart: That’s a hard one, really; there have been so many. Possibly the cable car fight scene from ‘Where Eagles Dare.’ Movie. 

Matt: If you were hired to throw a parade of any scale or theme through the centre of London what type of parade would it be?

Stuart: Madre Gras possibly, that would be fun to see.   

Matt: Who inspires you most (can be living or dead)?   

Stuart: So many people, it is hard to choose. It is easy to say ‘Oh, Lee Child’ or someone, but in truth, people, and the things they do are an inspiration. But I had to choose, I would say new writers, people on that journey for the first time. 

Matt: There’s a masked assailant with a gun to your head, who is most likely to be under the mask?  

Stuart: Hopefully, someone who doesn’t know about guns. I’d like to think I haven’t pissed anyone off enough for it to come to that. 

Matt: What is the meaning of life?   

Stuart: Life is there to be lived, so live it.   

Matt: What was the best gift you’ve ever been given?   

Stuart: My daughter.   

Matt: If you could have a sidekick robot – what would it be able to do for you?

Stuart: Here is to the zombie apocalypse.     

Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone? 

Stuart: Make a good brew. 

Matt: Any final words you like to add...   

Stuart: Thanks for taking the time to ask me these questions.      

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Nobody's Agent should be everyone's crime thriller of choice!)

Get your copy of Nobody's Agent here:


Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...


Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Matt is smited by a Mad God (review)

MAD GOD (18)

Dir. Phil Tippet (@PhilTippett)

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

"Ready your eyes. Ready your souls..."

You are not ready for this - join a character only known as 'The Assassin' as he battles through a forbidding world of tortured souls, decrepit bunkers, and wretched monstrosities forged from the most primordial horrors of the subconscious mind. Directed by Phil Tippett (Star Wars, Robocop 2, Jurassic Park), the world's pre-eminent stop motion animator, every set, creature, and effigy in this macabre masterpiece is painstakingly animated using traditional stop-motion techniques.
Yes, that's right - MAD GOD is a fully practical stop-motion film set in a Miltonesque world of monsters, mad scientists, and war pigs. That's about all there is in terms of plot - something about The Assassin trying to follow a disintegrating map, being captured and passing the batten on to fellew assassin, but don't worry too much about that...

This is a film to open your mind to and let it do terrible things to your subconscious!
Background: In 1987, legendary visual effects and stop-motion craftsman Phil Tippett embarked upon an ambitious personal project, fabricating and animating a darkly surreal world in which the creatures and nightmares of his imagination could roam free. Phil produced dozens of environments and hundreds of puppets for the project, filling notebook after notebook with thousands of detailed sketches and storyboards.
It's hard to believe but each piece of MAD GOD is hand-crafted, independent and created from the heart. Sometimes that heart is bursting with love for the craft, while other times it's macabre, punctured, and bleeding. MAD GOD is a mature film crafted from techniques & technologies that span the history of cinema and the career of a true animation mastermind.

Out of a potential 5, you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - wow - 
let it do terrible things to your subconscious...)

Awesomeness ööööö – Freakshow in every sense of the word

Laughs ööö – Some very dark gross-out comedy

Horror ööö
ö – Visuals here that will disturb!

Spiritual Enlightenment öö - Only Mad Gods in the building

Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out about my dark sci-fi novel...


Sunday, July 03, 2022

Matt Chokes Back The Tears (review)

Choke Back The Tears

Mark Richards (@MRichardsWrites)

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)

“His had round my throat. Standing over me. Black, heavy shoes, dripping with water. ‘Say goodbye, Brady. Time to stamp on your f*&king face… ”

Here we are then - an all expenses paid trip to Whitby via Mark Richards’s new crime thriller - full title: Choke Back the Tears : A Yorkshire Coast Crime Thriller (Michael Brady Book 4) . I haven’t read books 1-3 but found that this was an enjoyable who/why dunnit which follows the investigation into the brutal murder of a retired couple.

DI Brady has been described as the ‘Yorkshire Rebus’ but he isn’t much of an action hero, a dodgy hamstring sees him limping about by the end. I’m not sure he’s the sort of chap I’d really wanna hang out with either but his is earnest in his quest to find out wha happened and bring the perp to justice. He’s only got a small team - police forces not having huge budgets these days I guess? and that rings true. The team are meticulous though and the dragnet slowly closes on who could be the murderers in a believable style - even if the showdown on a fishing boat isn’t the sort of stuff that will get Hollywood calling.

I liked how a lot of the book deals with Brady’s internal thoughts - in a kind of Manhunter way he mulls over the evidence aided by the plucky young Frankie who he has a fatherly regard for. Speaking of being a father, Brady has Ash his daughter to help prop him up - his being a widower, although he does have a faithful dog Archie for company too.

All in all Choke Back The Tears is a decent crime-em-up that will suit fans of the genre, and if you like it the good news is that there are 3 more you can go back and grab.

Not sure what this visual is getting at - but if you're a crime fan you might crack it...

Here’s the official blurb:

Michael Brady looked at Sandra Garrity’s face. Grey skin. Bloodshot eyes open. Blue lips, her

tongue protruding.

“Did you watch your husband die, Sandra? Or did he watch you die?”

“Brilliant. Brady is fast becoming the Yorkshire Rebus.”

Billy and Sandra were childhood sweethearts.

Writing their names on a lovelock. Fastening it to the end of Whitby pier. Throwing the key into the sea.

A lifetime together. A happy retirement in a peaceful hamlet on the North Yorkshire Moors.

Until the day they were brutally murdered.

“Whoever did this – he didn’t do it quickly. And he enjoyed it…”

Billy was a fisherman, making a living in the cold, cruel North Sea. One night his boat went down.

Two crewmen drowned. Billy survived.

Are the families looking for revenge? It’s the obvious conclusion.

But why have they waited so long?

Why have they killed Billy and Sandra?

And why kill them in such a barbaric way? “This isn’t a murder, Mike. It’s an execution. A

medieval execution.”

Choke Back the Tears is the fourth book in the Michael Brady series.

Kershaw’s away, Brady’s in charge. The bucks stops on his desk. But at least Frankie Thomson is

back to help him. For now…

There are no clues. No motives. It’s a perfect crime scene.

All Brady has is his experience and his intuition. And his small team is getting smaller by the day…

Meanwhile, he’s battling problems in his personal life. His daughter Ash wants to know the truth

about her mother’s death. Brady can’t put off telling her any longer.

He’s having doubts about everything. Even the memory of his dead wife.

Choke Back the Tears is the most personal Brady book yet.

He has to find the killer.

He has to keep his team together.

And he owes his daughter an explanation.

Michael Brady needs a friend.

But he doesn’t have one…

The Michael Brady books are perfect for fans of J D Kirk, Jason Dalgleish, David Gatward, T G

Reid etc…

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(3.5 - an effective crime tale with added Whitby sea spray!)

Get your copy of Choke Back The Tears here:


This review is part of the book blog tour for the title...

Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out in my dark sci-fi novel...
