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Friday, September 23, 2005

Serenity... cool new poster!!

"you can sense the excitement of millions of Firefly fans as Serenity prepares to land in cinemas!"


Advance word is good, and although I've resisted the Press Shows for this (pleasure delaying - as I want to experience it amongst the 'fans' on day one),,, I really am over excited about seeing it!!!!

As Nick Nunziata says over at Chud.com:

"There's a certain swagger to Serenity that is infectious. It has no fear of relying on convention and tosses caution to the wind in its approach and as a result the film is a breath of fresh air amidst the overblown vacant spectacles we've been fed these past few years."

Check out the excellent official site here: www.serenitymovie.com

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