"some schmuck thinks this is a the real venom... watch the 'actual' Spiderman 3 trailer from the link below and decide for yourself!"
Oh yes... I'm very excited...
Darkmatters: H O M E
"damn you all... one day the world will be MINE!"
Family Guy Season 4 (15)
Disc One reviewed by Matt Adcock
I've been 'pleasure delaying' watching this... knowing it might be the last new Family Guy stuff I'll ever get but itching to watch the whole series through in one sitting cos I love it so much...
The first 4 episodes of Season 4 are excellent - packing more punch than the ever so slightly disappointing 'movie' from last year
Here are my thoughts on the first disc worth of fun:
North by North Quahog: or the one where Peter fights Mel Gibson, Christ returns in 'The Passion of the Christ 2" and it opens with a wonderful sucker punch to other cancelled shows!
DM rating (out of 5) öööö
Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High: the one where it offends my wife with over the top crude jokes, but really you just have to laugh (that's the point)...
DM rating (out of 5) ööö
Blind Ambition: the one that has an awesome take off of the ending of Star Wars: A New Hope and the best man vs chicken fight ever screened...
DM rating (out of 5) öööö
Don't Make Me Over: pick of the bunch of the first 4... super cool make over the ugly daughter, classic lines from evil baby stewie - it's Family Guy heaven!!
DM rating (out of 5) ööööö
Darkmatters: H O ME
"Since we're feeling so anesthetised... in our comfort zones..."
Sometimes you just need to check:
Reading - C.H. Spurgeon 'Morning & Evening' (oldschool wisdom)
Listening to - Lostprophets 'Rooftops' (back after 18 months with a single of the week)
Playing - 'Sacrifice' PC (best 'God' game ever?)
Watching - Mamoru Oshii's 'Avalon' (review soon)
Thinking - 'It's good to be alive'
Darkmatters: H O M E
Read the DM review of the sequel 'Adulthood' here: The Hoodies Strike Back
Darkmatters: H O M E