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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Film Review: Avalon (2001)

...I am the ghost... or a 'Gazoo' follow me to the special level 'A'...  

"which is better, a game you think you can finish, but can't, or a game that seems impossible to win, but isn't?" "boo" 

Avalon (12a) 

Dir. Mamoru Oshii 

Reviewed by Matt (@cleric20) Adcock 

I am a player, a warrior... 

I fight in the future (which is all a bit Polish but looks absolutely amazing thanks to some way cool tint effects) in an illegal virtual reality war game called Avalon. I'm not alone although I don't belong to a party of adventures at present, my experience levels are growing and my skills are impressive... My name is Ash and I am a 'Class A', but I yearn for more. 

Avalon is a gorgeously beautiful film, stunning photography from the creator of Ghost in the Shell 1&2 blessed with an intriguing story infused with a high level of intelligence... It is unique although you can see many influences at work and it has in turn obviously influenced many others - The Matrix trilogy, eXistenZ, Harsh Realm etc etc Oshii has made the most convincing 'live action' manga yet... I loved it!

"for tha lasst tieme... I'm not death from Bill & Ted!!" 

  "you didn't see me - right!" 

If you are an anime fan, if you like sci-fi, if you appreciate 'real women' in the heroic role (and underwear at times), if you want to be inspired, intrigued, swept away to a mythical computer-generated wonderland...

 choose Avalon... you won't regret it!! 

                                                  "bring in the army hardware... and FIGHT" 

Darkmatters rating system (out of 5): 

Action öööö – V. Tasty battle scene at the start, sporadic after 

Laughs öö – It's a bit grim in the future 

Horror öö – Suitably grim in places but not horrific 

Overall öööö (Anime comes alive!) 

  "watch it..."  
                                                                "haunting imagery, a thinking person's sci-fi dream" 

Darkmatters: H O M E "now check out the rest of the site"


Carl V. Anderson said...

Sounds fantastic. I will definitely check this out.

Carl V. Anderson said...

I was excited to find out that Netflix has this and so I threw it on my list. Thanks for the recommendation.