DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Matt falls for ANGEL - A

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Angel - A (15)
Dir. Luc Besson

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

“I can feel my life ebbing away, evil chills creep into me in exchange for the steady loss of consciousness… I realise exactly what is happening but quite why my untimely demise should be any consideration to you… that is something I do not understand?”
From the novel ‘Darkmatters’

Imagine it’s all true… that angels exist and are amongst us on missions to help out poor souls – it’s a nice concept, an uplifting thought and one which seems to have tickled the fancy of cool French film maker Besson in his romantic fantasy ‘Angel – A’.

This is the story of big time loser Andre (Jamel Debbouze) who is so down on his luck – and not to mention so in debt some rather nasty types – that he decides to top himself by jumping into the Seine. Imagine his surprise when he sees a super hot blonde in a micro dress about to do the same…

He rescues her, she tells him that she’ll do anything he wants to help him get back on his feet and the pair bicker in the best style before finally admitting their true feelings for each other… Just one problem, she’s actually an angel and she’s not allowed to get involved with humans…

Angel A has had a pretty rough ride from critics so far but it touch me deeply and I was swept up in it’s monochrome wonderfulness. Plus of course the blonde angel (Rie Rasmussen) is an absolute babe who can fight, screw and smoke any man under the table…

Don’t go expecting Besson’s usual violence (which I do love especially in Nikita, Leon and 5th Element) – take a date and revel in the most gorgeous film for lovers to hit the screen in years…

Darkmatters rating system (out of 5):
Action ööö – some fights but no gunplay
Laughs ööö – I laughed out loud several times
Horror öö – nothing too nasty
Babes öööö – Rasmussen is gorgeous and her legs go on forever!

Overall öööö (quality fantasy… memorable)

"only angels can wear dresses this short!"

Darkmatters: H O M E

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1 comment:

Carl V. Anderson said...

This is one I am actually really looking forward to. Don't know when it will make its way to the states but I'll be there when it does.