DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

Read my novel: Complete Darkness

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Festive Hitman Competition

"this just might be the PS3 game of 2008"

OK so it might be the Season of goodwill to all men...

But with HITMAN still in cinemas let's pretend that it's the season of goodwill to all but one...

If you fancy winning some random HITMAN merchandise - all you have to do is email your 'fantasy hit' to:


Just detail - who you would take out, how you would accomplish it...

I'll post the ones that amuse me most and send you prize (Cap, T Shirt, USB Phone Charger, Keychain, USB Memory Card etc).

UK readers only - Editors decision is final...
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