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Monday, May 05, 2008

Jimmy Carr Repeat Offender - the 'you shouldn't be laughing at this but it's just so darn funny' review

Jimmy Carr: Repeat Offender

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

My wife is lovely… Not just a total babe but also an excellent judge of how to make her man happy!?
This year to mark my turning 37, she bought me 2 tickets to see Jimmy Carr live – at the DVD recording in London no less - of his latest stand up show ‘Repeat Offender’…

Having been a Jimmy Carr fan since I first came across him on Channel Four or maybe it was some stand up footage of the Edinburgh Festival… Anyway, I was stoked at the chance to witness the man himself up close and he was on top form – no one does paedophiliac, same sex, religous, deviant sex, self pleasuring, terrorist bating, topical news dissemination so well (and all at the same time)… No subject is off limits and hecklers were machine gunned down with a mixture of sharp whit and savvy fast observations.

You really shouldn’t go see the slick Mr Carr if you’re easily offended or narrow of mind. I wouldn’t classify myself in either of those categories (this despite being one of the born again Christians that Jimmy launches a few barbs at – personally I don’t think having Jesus travel with me is actually enlarging my carbon footprint but it’s a funny thought!).

The joy of superb quality stand up like that delivered by Jimmy is that it makes you consider things from a different point of view.
You don’t have to agree and almost certainly might be think that making jokes like: “You know that your girlfriend is too young for you when you have to make that ‘aeroplane noise’ in order to get her to take you in her mouth” goes too far…
but he has a knack for it and for my money he’s the best of bunch at the moment.

This Repeat Offender show lives up to it’s name, yes it is highly profane but it is also so sharply written that if you have anything like a brain, then you’ll laugh pretty hard whatever your world view. See for yourself either by catching the tail end of the tour or by grabbing the DVD when it hits – on which you may even catch a glimpse of me (I’m in the PWEI t-shirt) or the talented Tom W in the audience, laughing at things that might make lesser mortals freak out…

DARKMATTERS RATING SYSTEM (all ratings out of maximum 10):

Arbitrary final rating: öööööööö (9)
- Smooth, offensive and damn funny: Jimmy Carr is the stand up equivalent of playing Grand Theft Auto 4!

Liable to make you:
"practice your aeroplane noises (kidding!!)"

DM Poster Quote:
“Jimmy Carr is on fire - and I don't think it was those Christian Fundamentalists that did it but you never know!"
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw Jimmy Carr in Hudds...he is a legend and also a very nice person.