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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Darkmatters - Bafta Winners 2013 Reaction

Bafta Winners 2013

Matt Adcock's reaction - click the titles to read the Darkmatters reviews

Best Film (this is the one that counts let's face it...)


"A great film, a tough top 5 to beat - Ben Affleck is born again as a quality director!!"

Runners up...

Les Misérables

Life of Pi


Zero Dark Thirty

Speaking of Afflect - Best Director (yes, really!)

WINNER = Ben Affleck for Argo

"Loved the film and have been very impressed with Affleck - from plank to top director!"

Runners up...

Michael Haneke - Amour
Quentin Tarantino - Django Unchained
Ang Lee - Life of Pi
Kathryn Bigelow - Zero Dark Thirty

Lead Actor

WINNER = Daniel Day LewisLincoln

"Three hours of dialogue driven screen time, nobody does it quite like Day Lewis!"

Runners up...

Ben Affleck - Argo
Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook
Hugh Jackman - Les Misérables
Joaquin Phoenix - The Master

Lead Actress

WINNER = Emmanuel Riva - Amour

"Am yet to see this but she does look a bit like my mum... hope for my mum yet to win a Bafta then!?"

Runners up...

Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty
Marion Cotillard - Rust and Bone
Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook
Helen Mirren - Hitchcock

British Film

WINNER = Skyfall

Psychologist: I'm going to say a word, and I want you to say the first word that comes into your head. For example, if I say, 'day', you say...
James Bond: Wasted.
Matt Adcock: Highest grossing British film of all time?

Psychologist: Agent.
James Bond: Provocateur.
Matt Adcock: Better than Bourne.

Psychologist: Woman?
James Bond: Provocatrix.
Matt Adcock: Bond girl?

Psychologist: M.
James Bond: Bitch. [M sighs from the other side of the interrogation room]
Matt Adcock: Goodbye.

Psychologist: Gun.
James Bond: Shot.
Matt Adcock: Play.

Psychologist: Murder.
James Bond: Occupation.
Matt Adcock: That feeling when you start a blog post like this...

Psychologist: Country.
James Bond: England.
Matt Adcock: Any as long as it's not followed by the words 'and Western'.

Psychologist: Skyfall. [Bond suddenly pauses]
Psychologist: Skyfall. [Continued pause]
James Bond: Done. [Bond walks out]
Matt Adcock: WINNER!

Runners up...

Anna Karenina
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Les Misérables
Seven Psychopaths

Read the rest of the Bafta winners etc here: www.bbc.co.uk

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