DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

Read my novel: Complete Darkness

TREAT yourself to the audiobook version: DARKNESS AUDIOBOOK
Listen to the PODCAST I co-host: Hosts in the Shell

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Matt is Chair of the Hertfordshire Society of Authors


Just a quick update for you writers who might be interested to know I'm now the Chair of the Hertfordshire Society of Authors branch - we're having our first IRL / hybrid meeting on 13th Sep at The Sun Hotel... 

Details HERE

If you've ever wondered about joining but didn't fancy the subscription - the SOA membership opens up a world of legal advice, networks with authors, agents etc and enables you to register with the ALCS (who make payments to authors for their works being used in research. learning and taken out from libraries) - I wasn't sure I'd get much from this service but even though I only have Complete Darkness, the Neo Cyberpunk anthologies and DREAD COLD in the wild so far - the payments more than covered my SOA membership and have brought in a few hundred on top, just for registering...

Imagine a world where the earth is becoming hell?

Click below to find out about my dark sci-fi novel...


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