Ginger Fox Games (@GingerFox_UK)
Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)
Love or hate the questions for money gameshow - it sure is a compelling premise and most of us have wondered how we might do / what we might win if in the hot seat...
Now it's your chance!! The clever bods at Ginger Fox Games have created the whole Who Wants To Be a Millionaire experience - in a box so you can play it at home!? Yes, the nation's much-watched TV game show can be played head-to-head with your family and friends in the race to reach £1 million (money not included alas).
best enjoyed with family and friends
The game is nicely crafted and allows you to relive classic moments from the show and tackle the iconic money ladder using only your wits and digital lifelines (accessible through a smart device) to reach the top. There is a lot of tension when you're getting towards the top of the board, but there is always the threat that if get a question wrong and you fall back so careful picking of where to 'stick' is vital...
Digital lifelines are fun
Like in the TV hotseat you get the chance to use lifelines - you can literally phone a friend, or log online and ask the audience. Other options include asking the host (you take turns to be host), plus the old 50:50.
The biggest question you face is 'do you have what it takes to become a (virtual) millionaire?'
The is fun but i can see it gettig a little old once you've been through the questions a few times... It can be played by 2 or more players, with recommended age 14+.
Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:
(3.5 - Phone a friend and invite them round to play!)
(3.5 - Phone a friend and invite them round to play!)
Full disclosure - a copy of this game was provided for review purposes :)