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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Narnia... will rule the box office this winter?

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Preview anticipation...

Got my lavish quality and completely over the top sliding Narnia press screening invite today, and man if the marketing is any indication of how much attention to detail the film has undergone then the so called 'box office battle of the big 3" this winter is already over...
There is much speculation out there as to which will gross the most from Harry Potter 4, King Kong and Narnia... All 3 have massive fan bases and whilst HP was good, it's still not a "classic" in my opinion. Kong is looking very tasty in a "we're going to make Jurassic Park look like a whiny little bitch" way and maybe it's my born again Christian in me speaking but something inside is telling me that Narnia might just have what it takes to come out on top.
Whatever happens, it's the cinema going public that benefit from 3 great films...
It will be fascinating to see how this all pans out!!

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