DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Harry Potter Kiss Pic - by Order of the Phoenix

"The Grange Hill cast had nothing on these guys..."

"Harry - seconds after being told that the world is about to see him kissing a girl..."

"Smooth Harry... Future Bond material in Mr Radcliffe?"

"of course... some would argue that miss Watson is still the top HP babe"

Darkmatters: H O M E
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1 comment:

Modern Man said...

Ha! Bond indeed. If you ask me, Radcliffe could do a better job than Craig as is. How much time did they spend in 'Casino Royale' making sure the audience thought Craig was "super-sexy" and had a "great body" yeesh...

You know would have made a great new bond, I'm not kidding Simon Baker. VCheck him out on IMDB. He was the lead in "Land of the Dead" and was the writer in "The Devil Wears Prada". Much cooler guy than Craig. Not British of course, probably the only problem.

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