DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ILM: Dream Big

"both green we be, but forbidden sexual relations with hulks for Jedi are..."

I work for ILM - no, not the George Lucas variety but rather the Institute of Leadership & Management in the UK (we're the largest provider of management education in Europe - in case you were wondering).

And whilst looking for imagery for a presentation I stumbled over the above Yoda / Hulk face off (from the special effects type ILM ) which I just had to share with you.

'Dream Big' is a universally positive message...

Have a good day!!

Darkmatters:H O M E
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Thats a great image right there!

They should make into a poster, I know I would get one.

Anonymous said...

Hey can I post this in my blog too? I'll give you credit!

Love it Matt, thanks!