2008 ends with a PlayStation 3 supernova of entertainment...
Matt PSN name: 'Cleric20' Adcock's top 3 games for this holiday:
3. First choice for saving the world...
"The future of online battles meets the Sci-Fi epic of the year"
Resistance 2 is going to rock so hard, prepare for 60 player online and super slick single player campaign - if you have a pulse and have ever enjoyed shooting stuff... Look no further.
2. First choice for Racing fanatics...
"Nosebleed, eyebleed, adrenalin overdose of racing excitement!"
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift... As a big fan of the original and having played the demo of the new Motorstorm - I can't wait to buckle up and hit the lava, water and dirt of the Pacific Rift Island... There won't be a racing experience to rival this for some time!
"There goes the no claims bonus..."
1. First choice for - EVERYONE...
As the Good Book says - 'Let everything that has breath praise the Lord', and there's a new reason to get your knees and give thanks LITTLE BIG PLANET!
"Anyone who has ever played a game - get excited and prepare to make your own!"
Having been gaming since the days of 'Pong' and the ZX Spectrum, I can honestly say that this Christmas is the most exciting ever thanks to Sony and their PS3. The joy of Little Big Planet is tangible - nothing has come close to the winning combination of creating levels, uploading them, downloading other people's and customising every last detail...
Am currently enjoying the PS3 Beta of 'home' and trying to finish Bioshock and Far Cry 2 before the 'Sony Trinity' of Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2 and Little Big Planet hit. If you're investing in a PS3 this holiday my tips for immediate download are: WipeOut HD, Burnout Paradise, PAIN and Warhawk... I'll see you online...
Final thought: if the PS3 was a woman - I think it might be Amber Heard...
More Amber Heard love here: Hottie
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