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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Darkmatters Review: About Time

About Time (12a)

Dir. Richard Curtis

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (read another version of this review over at: The Bucks Herald

Time travel – the ultimate ‘wish fulfillment’. What would you do if you could jump through time to any point in your life? Fame, fortune, love, surely iall there for the taking, even just going back and changing those mistakes that haunt you…

"not the Game of Thrones Red Wedding"

This time jumping is the fun plot device that elevates Richard ‘Love Actually’ Curtis’s latest love-em-up romantic comedy About Time.

The Dr Who alike in question here is young Tim Lake (Domhnall ‘Dredd’ Gleeson) a ginger haired lovesick chap who is told by his dad (Bill Nighy) on his 21st Birthday that he – like all the men in his family – can travel in time...

"sister (l) and potential girlfriend (r)"

What’s a guy to do upon hearing news like that? Well Tim goes straight back in time on a mission to get himself a girlfriend! Sadly, even with time jumping abilities it isn’t easy as you might think.

First striking out with the stunning Charlotte (Margot Robbie) who’s a friend of his kooky sister (Lydia Wilson). Then whilst in London trainings a lawyer, Tim finally meets the beautiful but insecure Mary (Rachel McAdams). A fate would have it Tim and Mary fall in love, but Tim manages to unwittingly delete having met her with an unfortunate time-travel incident.

"nice onsies"

There’s a lot of fun in watching Tim use his time jump powers to track down and woo Mary again-and-again – think a romantic Groundhog Day with extra smaltzy cheese. And then just when you’re in the thick of the budding romance Curtis sucker punches you with some heavy-duty emotional material. My lovely wife was in tears by the end credits but she wasn’t alone, About Time should come with a warning that it may well leave you aching for the chance to jump back and spend some extra time those loved ones you’ve lost!?

This is definitely a cut above the standard rom-com fair. All the cast goes about the romantic business with gusto and Tim makes for a winning bumbling hero to root for (he’s a kind of Hugh Grant lite).

About Time has characters that are well written and developed, a fun sense of humour and crunching emotional impact. I went into this on a date night with fairly low expectations but came out having really enjoyed a romantic time travelling treat, which I have no qualms in recommending to you!

"father son bonding at its best"

Out of a potential 5 you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(4 - sci-fi romance of the year)...

Awesomeness öööö – heartbreaking emotional pull

Laughs ööö – plenty of funnies too

Horror ö – not too grim

Babes ööö – robbie and wilson and mcadams!

Spiritual Enlightenment ööö – time is valuable!!

"Margot Robbie"

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