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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Darkmatters Review: Arcadia

Arcadia (15)

Dir. Tom Large

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

“Education is the key to preventing further outbreaks…”

Timely release for a Brit Sci-fi vision of possible near future pastoralism and populace harmony, shot through with a Black Mirror-esque bite – yes Arcadia (from the Greek term province / idyllic vision of unspoiled wilderness) is a hard hitting wake up call.

fashion: the first victim of the future

So with us pesky humans multiplying and making the world over-populated to dangerous levels, it seems like mother nature has devised a cull in the form of a deadly disease has been lowering life expectancy somewhat. But not for those in 'Arcadia' – oh no, this is a man made safe and disease-free haven for the privileged few delivering the ultimate stage of the ‘Free Care’ programme.

this isn't going to end well...

Charlie (Marc ‘Coronation Street’ Baylis) is working to get him and his daughter into Arcadia. Given the assignment to kidnap suspected government stooge Adam Black but Charlie doesn’t know the truth about Black’s role and the 'Free Care' programme itself.

Large delivers some nice sci-fi lite visuals and makes the most of his obviously limited budget – bringing a mean, moody and paranoid near future panic-em-up that is worth checking out and bodes well for future output too.

Out of a potential 5 you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(3 - Strong near future paranoia Brit style )...

Awesomeness ööö – Some panic inducing scenes

Laughs öö – Not really much funny business

Horror öö – Bit nasty in places

Spiritual Enlightenment öö - Don't trust the authorities

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