DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Showing posts with label StarHawk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label StarHawk. Show all posts

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Darkmatters Game Picks for 2012

2012 - Looking Good for Games!!

Matt Adcock picks his top Games for 2012

Yes Grand Theft Auto V is the game that I'm (and most of the gaming world) most looking forward to this year... but I'm also very excited to play Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effect 3 and the obligatory upgrades of Fifa and Call of Duty (especially on PS Vita).

But here are some videos that might help you get in the mood for some gorgeous looking gaming experiences in 2012...

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

wipEout 2048

Dust 514

Escape Plan


Twisted Metal

The Last Guardian

The Last of Us

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Darkmatters hearts StarHawk (poss release date)


StarHawk adds the win to PS3 in 2011

Matt Adcock

StarHawk - the unofficially named sequel to WarHawk might just be hitting the UK in February if a post over at the mighty SIXTH AXIS (who got it from this source) is to be believed.

Darkmatters loves WarHawk - it has been one of the most played PS3 games in our household for years so the very possibility of playing a massive, multi-player space war made to the same gorgeously playable standards is a very exciting thought - even if the 04 Feb '11 date proves to be a fake, and please note that the artwork above is completely speculative... 

Seems that 2011 is going to be a monster year for PS3 owners - Mass Effect 2 (finally), then exclusives like: Killzone 3, Little Big Planet 2, The Agency, DC Universe Online, The Last Guardian, SOCOM 4, Resistance 3 and Twisted Metal to name but a few...

Back in the days of PS1 they used to say "Do not underestimate the power of PlayStation" - might be time to dust off that slogan again as with over 4 million MOVE controllers already out the door and funky 'Kung-Fu Live' which teaches the Kinect a thing or two about how to make a satisfying controller free game - without the Kinect! (review this week).

There has never been a better time to pick up a PS3!

ps3 move

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"Madchen Amick - little known PS3 fan!"
Madchen Amick Sexy