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Showing posts with label leia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leia. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Slave Girl Leia: Ultimate Star Wars Male Fantasy

sexy slave girl leia

sex slave girl leia
"worth turning to the dark side for?"

sexy slave star wars girl leia
"that is a very good look!!"
sexy slave girl leia
"Jabba sure knows how to pick his women"

sexy slave girl leia
"she wants you teach you a Jedi mind trick"

sexy slave girl leia
"is that a lightsaber in your pocket Darth?"

Slave Girl Leia - these three words have been burnt into the psyche of the male population ever since 1983 when millions of unsuspecting 12 year olds like myself suddenly realised that even in a galaxy far, far away, women looked good in metal bikinis!!

And so as Star Wars mania slowly subsides over the next few weeks – I think it’s only right that we take a few moments in solemn contemplation and thanksgiving for Slave Girl Leia – and we can only wonder what might have been if Natalie Portman had turned up for Padme duty in her table dancing ‘Closer’ outfit by mistake!?

Above is a small gallery of Leia appreciation – if you have a better Leia photo, please feel free to leave a link in the comment section below…

May the Force be with us all.
Other screen females worthy of your attention:
Darkmatters: H O M E