DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Friday, April 09, 2021

The Genius of David Ayer - His Movies Ranked

The Films of David Ayer

Appreciated by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

David ‘yeah I wrote Training Day’ Ayer makes movies that many people dislike, for many reasons.  However - I’d call myself a fan of his despite his making one film that I absolutely hated (maybe I’m due a rewatch?)…

Anyway – here are my ranking of all Ayer’s films from rubbish (Sabotage) to brilliant  (End of Watch) – would love to know what your thoughts are on them.

Sabotage (my review)

Hard to fathom what was going on here – and incredible to think this film hit in the same year as Ayer's excellent ‘Fury’. Reworking Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None - this lamest of Ayer’s films sees Arnold Schwarzenegger looking angry and confused as his crack team are taken out one by one – ironically because of $10m crack money they stole… 

Street Kings (my review)

I’m told that Street Kings was based on a James Ellroy novel idea and it plays like a slightly grubbier-than-average police-em-up. Blessed with having Keanu Reeves in the lead, there is lots to like in this tale of corruption and consequences.

Bright (not reviewed yet)

Bright might not live up to its name but I found it a half-decent fantasy buddy cop effort that looks good and doesn’t demand any brainpower to enjoy. Even if it has dialogue like “fairy lives don’t matter today” there are some good action scenes and the orc/human relationship is interesting – mostly thanks to Joel Edgerton who deserved the ‘best orc actor’ OSCAR nom.

Suicide Squad (my review)

Will we ever see the Ayer Cut of this massively enjoyable shambles? Probably not but I’m a self-confessed sucker for DC movies and I’m in the tiny minority of filmgoers who actually had a good time watching this. 

The Tax Collector (not reviewed yet)

The Tax Collector is another Los Angeles-based thriller that blows the lid off the lives of two titular ‘tax collectors’. Boasting one of the best gunfights I’ve witnessed on screen for some time and perhaps birthing my most used twitter gif of LeBeouf giving the perfect COVID-friendly arm bump (as above), this is one that makes for great late-night viewing.

Harsh Times (my review)

I’ll never forget Ayer's directorial debut because I got to watch in a Soho cinema with just Mark Kermode and James King from Radio 1 for company. Christian Bale is amazing as the traumatised guy on an express elevator to hell.

Fury (my review)

Brad Pitt and Shia LeBeouf are excellent in this war-is-grim film that packs serious violence and shoots it through with an innocence lost epitaph. Brothers to the end (and what an end) this film makes me want Ayer to make another war movie!

End Of Watch (my review)

I love this police-em-up take on the whole ‘found footage’ genre. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña are LAPD cop buddies – who light up the screen. Surely this chemistry is what Ayer was hoping to recapture with Bright but here it shines like an eyeball-searing supernova. Excellent filmmaking and a wild ride to watch!!

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Meet the sick mind behind FOR RYE - Gavin Gardiner

Matt Probes Gavin Gardiner with the Darkmatters 10 Q's of Fate

It's launch day for the soon-to-be horror phenomenon FOR RYE (read Matt's review here) so let's explore the mind of the author with some left-field Darkmatters questions... 

Matt: If scientists ever managed to create a giant mecha version of you – who or what would be your nemesis? 

Gavin: It’s a little-known fact not only that Mecha-Gav does actually exist, but also that he runs on a very particular kind of fuel: chilled cheese and jam sandwiches. Now, suffice it to say that with a full tank of fuel, Mecha-Gav doesn’t really need to worry about any enemies. He is truly unstoppable. However, should his fridge break down and rob his galvanising cheese and jam sandwiches of their coldness, his powers deplete. So to answer your question in the most sensible, realistic way possible, I’m going to have to say a broken fridge. 

Matt: What is the most disturbing fictional scene you’ve ever read or watched in a book/film of any genre? 

Gavin: As I get older, I’m actually finding myself more disturbed by fiction involving less extreme modes of destruction. So I’ll find someone being stabbed or shot far more disturbing than, say, the various creative tortures of the Saw franchise, or sequences from truly extreme horrors such as the August Underground trilogy, or any number New French Extremity flicks. My favourite horror movie is The Blair Witch Project. I’m aware of its divisiveness, and how for so many people the film doesn’t seem to do anything, but for me the entire thing is absolutely traumatising. I’ve written extensively about the film on my website, particularly how it prompts viewers to project their own fear into those masses of amorphous trees. The thing plays out like a cinematic Rorschach test, giving audiences not a single glimmer of the witch, yet contorting and distorting continuously by way of its grainy handheld camera footage until we can’t help but fill in the blanks ourselves. I could say a lot more on the topic of this movie, but in short, the horror of The Blair Witch Project transcends the genre for me, and so there’s yer answer. As for which scene, well, it’s hard to pick. There’s something about Mike marching around the trees screaming the Star- Spangled Banner that absolutely chills my blood. Also the baby noises… “There ain’t no baby out there, man.” 

Matt: If you were hired to throw a parade of any scale or theme through the centre of London what type of parade would it be? 

Gavin: I’m a pretty solitary guy of simple pleasures. I’m quite happy just touring a few pubs with small group of friends, keeping to ourselves, revelling in conversation. So my parade would be me and a few friends, seeing how many pubs we could sample in one evening. But that ain’t a parade, and that ain’t the answer you were looking for. So gimmie a fifty-foot animatronic Lovecraftian god, three hundred robed and cloaked bowed figures marching slowly behind the beast, each carrying a single candle, and hire a few thousand actors to run screaming naked and covered head to foot in blood from the surrounding alleyways, dropping to their knees before the robotic deity to beg for mercy before scrambling away back into the shadows. Or just a few pubs. Either works. 

'Matt and Gavin chillin in a pub'

Matt: You’re in a strange town with £100,000 that you have to spend in a single evening – talk me through what you get up to… 

Gavin: Let me tell you about one thing I love, and one thing I hate. As I know is the case with you, I love movies, especially the cinema. I hate, loathe, and detest inconsiderate behaviour in the cinema. Yes, I’m a little more noise sensitive than most people, but I’ve had many a film experience ruined by…well, let’s not turn this into too much of a rant or you’ll never get me to stop. Anyway, the ‘strangeness’ of your proposed town doesn’t bother me. I’m a strange guy, so I’ll just roll with that. What I want to know is whether they have a cinema. If they do, I’ll book every seat and sit right in the middle, just me and the movie. The only downfall to this plan would be if the movie’s crap. I’ll have plenty of change left over, so maybe I can bribe them into sticking on some dusty old horror reels they have stuffed in the back of a cupboard. Not much of a big spender, am I? 

Matt: Who inspires you most (can be living or dead)? 

Gavin: Until I stumbled into the writing game, my pursuit of choice was music. I obsessed over the craft of songwriting, production, composition, performance…every facet of music, and many genres within. From my teenage years right through my twenties I was dogged in my perseverance to make something of my passion, every life choice guided by this objective. I gave up a lot, took on even more, and poured all my energy into becoming the best guitarist to ever live. That goal was never realised, and I can look back now and see where I went wrong: it’s blindingly obvious to see that I didn’t ‘put myself’ out there enough, spending too many years hunched over the instrument in my dingy little bedroom; I took on the entirety of music, and didn’t zero in on a specific genre or area of expertise; I recorded hundreds of hours of music, but didn’t pick the best material and hone it to perfection. There are countless lessons I’ve been able to draw from my years in music and apply to my writing endeavours, and so the honest answer to your question would be that this old version of Gavin is my greatest inspiration. Every day I think about where he went wrong, and how I can do better now that I have a second chance. It’s important not to feel too embittered by our past failures, and use them as stepping stones to future victories. However, it’s also important not to paint our pasts completely in defeat, and recognise what we did achieve. I’m proud that he worked so hard at his craft and sacrificed so much in the pursuit of his goal. The most important thing I learnt through all those years was how to pour your every being into an objective, and don’t take your eyes off the target until the arrow’s hit home. Although he never attained what he was after, past-Gavin serves as inspiration to me every day, both in his failures and successes. I hope anyone reading this can do the same for themselves. 

Matt: There’s a masked assailant with a gun to your head, who is most likely to be under the mask? 

Gavin: I’d like to think I’m a pretty friendly guy with no real enemies, so hopefully this ain’t something I have to worry about too much. You never mentioned the height, fur-to-flesh ratio, or species, so I’m inclined to suspect my cat Nellie would the one behind the mask. The shop didn’t have her favourite treats the other day and she’s still pretty pissed at me. 

Matt: What is the meaning of life? 

Gavin: Finally, a nice light question. The usual response to this one is that we project only our own meaning onto life, and I’m inclined to agree. But to answer this question properly we must first define our terms. If we’re talking about an objective meaning – that is, a sort of cosmic meaning that exists outwith and in spite of our own personal experiences – then I’m not sure there’s any way for me to know that there isn’t one of those, just as there’s no way for anyone else to prove the assertion that there is one. As for a subjective meaning – ‘reasons’ for our lives on an individual basis – then of course those exist, although not for everyone. I think in practice subjective meanings tends to arise almost arbitrarily; we fall into careers, families, artistic endeavours, religion, charitable pursuits, politics, plumbing, whatever. As John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” and whatever ‘life’ consists of will hopefully become our meaning. My personal opinion is that there is no objective meaning to life. The universe is indifferent to our existence, although if you’ll indulge me in another quote, Alan Watts said, “You are the universe experiencing itself.” We are a grain of sand on the cosmic beach that has, against all odds, come to experience itself, and as a result demand a reason for its doing so. Although I think this was a natural process occurring outside of intelligent intervention, I think the term ‘accidental’ is misleading, and that it happened simply because it could happen. Existence breeds complexity; complexity eventually breeds life; life breeds meaning. To me, there’s no overarching meaning inherent in the universe, and the term itself is reductive in the context of cosmic reality and how time and space came to be. As for subjective meaning, or at least my understanding of the idea of personal meaning, I believe it is whatever we ourselves assign. Sometimes personal meaning arises as the result of a deliberate effort; someone develops a passion for brain surgery and consciously decides this will be the focus of their life, working hard to make this a reality. Other times (and I suspect most times) it happens almost outwith our control: we happen to miss our bus and end up standing in the rain with a colleague after work, we happen to go for a drink, we happen to get married, we happen to decide they are worthy of our every waking effort. What is the meaning of life? There is no meaning of life, only the meaning of a life. 

Matt: What was the best gift you’ve ever been given? 

Gavin: Probably you asking me what the meaning of life is. That was fun. 

Matt: If you could have a sidekick robot – what would it be able to do for you? 

Gavin: I expect most writers will have a similar answer. The bane of my existence are the mundanities of life, and every moment I’m not writing I feel this heavy weight on my chest, this pressure that I’m wasting my time. Anything like chores, shopping, work, taking out the bins…throughout it all there’s a voice in my head screaming at me to get back to the real work. So yeah, my sidekick robot is welcome to deal with all that stuff. I’m forever aware of the fleeting nature of life, of how lucky we all are to have found our conscious selves steering these fleshy lumps of meat around the world. I guess it comes back to the idea of finding meaning, or it finding you, and that meaning becoming your reason for existing. I’ve come to somewhat feel that way about my writing, and being a guy that’s quite obsessed with mortality and the ticking clock to which we are all enslaved, anything other than bleeding for that meaning feels kind of traitorous to me. Having said that, I love nothing more than cuddling up with my girlfriend and my cat on the sofa for a horror/chocolate marathon, so the robot sidekick ain’t getting his greasy hands-on that action. 

Matt: What would you like written on your tombstone? 

Gavin: “Here lies Gavin Gardiner, kind of annoying but a loving cat-dad, cause of death unknown. However, it’s pretty strange that he died the day after Matt Adcock asked him what he’d like written on his tombstone. Adcock has been taken in for questioning, just as Gavin would have wanted.


Buy your copy of FOR RYE here

Visit Gavin's site here

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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Matt ventures Beneath the Asylum (review)


Beneath the Asylum 

Jordan Grupe (@JordanGrupe

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20

"In my dream, Marianne is looking at me with disbelief in her eyes.Her face is pale and full of shock. She reaches down and feels the cold steel blade where I've plunged into her belly, and tries to say 'why?' But all that comes out is blood."

This asylum is full of secrets. Some worse than others and Beneath the Asylum is a full-throttle horror ride into the darkness that wants to play with you…

Jordan is security guard at an infamous old mental hospital where he finds something unusual during his routine patrol of the basement tunnels: what sounds like a young girl crying. But that would be impossible…The crying comes from behind a padlocked door in an abandoned section of the hospital – and Jordan feels compelled to investigate - which might be the last mistake he ever makes… 

The story that follows is a haunting tour-de-force of harrowing horror. Could the local legends about a secret network of tunnels hidden below the hospital be true? And if they are how could anyone be alive down there? And what are they eating? Each other? The patients? As the young girl mysteriously disappears but also still seem to follow him and play on his mind. It all starts to get creepily bizarre. 

Grupe ratchet’s up the gut-wrenching grimness with fine style and shows that he’s a quality purveyor of fictional gruesomeness. The fact that he claims this isn’t entirely made up just adds to the fear factor. If you’re looking for some decent horror book yourself in for a night Beneath the Asylum – if you emerge from the maze of tunnels come morning you’ may well need the facilities of a mental hospital.

Recommended for fans of scary stories!!

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Horror has a new home ...)

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Matt's been to VENUS Short Cyberpunk Film (review)


VENUS - A Cyberpunk Film

Dir. Andrew McGee (@TheScreenVortex)

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

What happens when a grieving mother uploads the consciousness of her tragically killed daughter, Iris, into a stolen synthetic body?

That is the core plot of the exciting and challenging new short cyberpunk film VENUS. When Iris is torn out of her idyllic digital afterlife and on the run in an​ oppressive futuristic city, she has to confront her body's objectification and its violent capabilities, as well as the consequences of her mother's actions.

Andrew McGee’s VENUS is a short live-action science-fiction film inspired by cyberpunk classics like Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell, and more broadly, films such as Ex Machina, Under the Skin, and Cam. It stars Margaret Clunie (Victoria, Last Christmas) in the lead role and is made by an obviously passionate and skilled team led by McGee. Where 'Cyberpunk' excels is in blending lowlife and high tech, depicting futuristic urban dystopias in which advancements in technology raise questions about cybernetically enhanced bodies and so much more. Concepts such as the implications of digital worlds, and what it means to be human, all against a backdrop of social upheaval and extreme inequality – this is a head trip you’ll want to take.

 I asked the makers for their thinking and they said: 

 “It seems like an obvious genre through which to also explore crucial modern-day issues of sexism, sexuality, and objectification. Yet it's rare to see these worlds from the perspective of a female protagonist while also engaging with these issues. VENUS intends to do just that, as well as embracing the action, excitement and compelling visuals of the genre. The story is about the relationship between Iris and her insurgent mother, who goes to desperate lengths to bring her dead daughter back to life; as a result, Iris is thrown into a hostile world in an unfamiliar body designed for sex and violence. The film is a progressive representation of gender and identity in the most progressive of genres. The intention is to create a thrilling and thought-provoking short film with a real-world importance.

I really enjoyed this short burst of neon-lit adventure and am delighted to report that it is in being considered as a proof of concept to launch a full-length feature film. The run time encompasses action, excitement, and the compelling visuals of the genre, while sensitively exploring themes of identity, gender, and objectification from a unique perspective. The script was also a ScreenCraft finalist, one of the biggest international screenwriting competitions.

Director McGee explained his inspiration:

“I’ve always been creative, writing stories as a child and drawing comics about my dog, which I look back on as storyboards. I wanted to pursue acting as a teenager, but eventually felt more comfortable behind a camera. I love the collaborative process of bringing so many different artists together, from actors to composers to set designers.”

When you get chance – seek this film out and plugin at your first availability. Why not throw some backing into the kickstarter and become part of this subgenre of science-fiction in which advancements in technology raise questions about artificial intelligence, body modification, corporate power and resistance, and what it means to be human…

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - The future isn't what it used to be...)

Highly recommended – makes a super accompaniment to my short cyberpunk story in the new Neo Cyberpunk anthology!? 

Click here to find out more



Saturday, March 06, 2021

Barb And Star And Matt Go To Vista Del Mar


Barb And Star Go To Vista Del Mar

Dir.  Josh Greenbaum

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20

Star: We used to have fun. Remember that one time we went on a haunted hayride?

Barb: And we got chased by that man with a Jack-o’-lantern head and a chainsaw. 

Star: And then we heard later he wasn’t an actor. He just escaped from the local prison. 

Barb: He was a real killer. 

Star: Killer. He was trying to kill us!

If like me you love the work of Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids, Saturday Night Live etc) then you should be excited for Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar as it showcases her at her funniest and coolest playing dual roles opposite her co-screenwriter Annie Mumolo.

Lifelong friends Barb (Mumolo) and Star (Wiig) embark on what just might be the adventure of a lifetime when they decide to leave their small Midwestern town for the first time ever. These two middle-aged wonders are superb comic creations. Barb - is a kind of everywoman riff on Melissa McCarthy's SPY character whilst Star is the positive energy nexus of lost hopes and dreams.

What follows is the kind of madcap movie that genre hops at ease - buddy comedy/romance/spy spoof thriller and erm part-time musical - there is something for every open-minded movie watcher on the planet here... Wiig hams it up as the baddie 'Sharon' - an albino with revenge on her mind... 

'ordering cocktails from the pool'

Jamie Dornan is on hand as her shmuck agent, he's blinded by his love for her but she's just using him for her nefarious schemes. Sharon's other hench'man' is Yoyo (Reyn Doi) who steals many of the scenes he's in. As Barb and Star's vacation in Vista Del Mar, tangles them up in a crazy adventure, they both kind of find love, and a villain's evil plot to kill everyone in town. 

Dornan puts in some of his best-ever work here - singing, dancing and romancing like his life depends on it! He certainly wins the hearts of Barb and Star which causes some friction both between the sheets and in their friendship. And the comedy is everywhere - a personal highlight was musician Richard Cheese who is the restaurant entertainer, sitting at his piano and singing some slinky lounge-jazz songs that sound jolly but the lyrics are entirely about how much he loves 'boobs',

'you'll believe man can fly'

Throw in surreal elements like 'Morgan Freemond' as a monologuing crab, an Andy Garcia cameo, a swarm of killer mosquitos and a women's talking group which is run with a severe iron fist by Debbie (Vanessa Bayer). It all adds up to far more than the sum of its parts...  

I picked Barb and Star for my B'day film this year - we watched it under the stars in a cosy cinema pod igloo which as superb fun and it really delivered. My wife laughed and grinned throughout and called it a 'joyous romp from start to finish' - hey I'll do the film reviews thanks.

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Essential viewing, a joyous romp from start to finish!!)

Awesomeness öööö – Really excellent scripting and plot elevates this romp

Laughs ööö – Darkly funny throughout

Horror ööö – Violent and menace aplenty

Spiritual Enlightenment öö - Can you say 'reprehensible?'

maybe click below to find out about my dark sci-fi novel...


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Matt hangs out with the New Men (review)

New Men: Bonds of Brotherhood

Mario Dell’Olio (@DellOlioMario)  

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)

“The new men at NAC seemed to be a different breed. There always seemed to be some drama brewing among them. The guys were incredibly forward with their desires and sexual preferences. They called out hypocrisy or any perceived injustice that may have occurred…” 

What happens when the will of ‘God’ and the heart of men collide? Could there be anything better than to be in love in Rome, one of the most romantic cities on the planet? Where though does it leave you if your ‘love’ is regarded with bigotry and disdain by those who you are learning to call ‘brothers’… in the seminary where you are training to be a priest?

So many questions and much to ponder as the destinies of the young men Anthony, Kevin and Miguel are intertwined here in New Men: Bonds of Brotherhood. How does one deal with falling in love with your best friend but having to hide it from the world? For Miguel, in particular, his love comes at a price. Miguel never thought he’d meet the love of his life while studying but when he falls head over heels for the vibrant young woman who greets her life with such a sense of adventure it changes everything.

If you’ve enjoyed the fiction of André Aciman you’re in the right place because much like Call Me By Your Name, New Men is a multi-layered treat.

'everyone's a critic'

Mario Dell’Olio writes with a sizzling mixture of passion, theological insight and heartfelt descriptive skill. He makes what could be a trite ‘the homophobia from the church and society is evil’ message is handled with a light touch and witty tale of idealism and hope. It’s an impressive skill to blend a cross-genre romance that keeps fizzing along whilst bringing plenty of historical fiction, and no small amount of insider knowledge of life in a seminary too.

The struggle of being gay and Catholic is one that doesn’t often get explored in such a backdrop of training for ministry but Dell’Olio blows the doors off the intolerance and hypocrisy that the young heroes find themselves facing. The book is a powerful testament to how those who preach ‘love your fellow man’ don’t like when you take them literally…

I might be a straight guy, but this book was a fascinating romance-against-the-odds and I’d recommend it to anyone who is LGBTQ+ friendly and ideally beyond as there is real spirituality to be found in these pages.

The best seminary set novel I’ve experienced – and that’s from someone who spent 7 years working for a theological college!?

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - A vital joy of hidden romance and struggle)

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Matt Cares A Lot about I Care A Lot (review)

I Care A Lot (15)

Dir. J Blakeson 

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@cleric20)

“Caring, sir, is my job, my profession. All I do every day is care…” 

Marla Grayson (the always excellent  Rosamund ‘Gone Girl’ Pike) cares. She cares a LOT but not about the old people she is made the legal guardian of – no what she cares about is money, as she makes clear she want the cash to finance a lifestyle of the super-rich.

How her scam works is that her dubious doctor friend will recommend certain older people can no longer look after themselves and do paperwork to that affect. Marla sweeps into court and is granted licence to ‘look after their interests’ which in her case means selling off their assets while they are detained in a care home – potentially against their wishes.

A “cherry” is an oldie with significant assets but no family but Marla picks the wrong one who turns out to be the mother of the very nasty and scary mafia-type Roman (Peter Dinklage). Cue carnage as the two evils smash head on in a contest of wills, threats, violence and all manner of dastardly deeds…

'she's not kidding'

When Marla realised that the life of her partner and lover, Fran (Eiza González) is at risk the stakes escalate because she hates to lose – no matter the cost. Roman’s mother Jennifer (Dianne Wiest) tells her she is “the worst mistake you’ll ever make” and so the scene is set of the kind of crime craziness that is somewhat reminiscent of the Wachowskis’ Bound.

Brit Director Blakeson delivers a slick and cinematically indulgent ride, keeping the action crisp and the tension frosty. I Care A Lot is a film that you just can’t look away from and as such – a rare treat which would have been great to witness on the big screen!? 

Dinklage is superb channelling more than a little Tyrion - chewing scenery and sucking smoothies – which he is liable to throw at his lackeys when upset. What follows is an extremely fun rollercoaster of thrills, spills and plot twists that is liable to leave you shaken at just how awful people can be…

Highly recommended viewing!

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(5 - Delicious. dark and masses of fun)

Awesomeness öööö – Really excellent scripting and plot elevates this romp

Laughs ööö – Darkly funny throughout

Horror ööö – Violent and menace aplenty

Spiritual Enlightenment öö - Can you say 'reprehensible?'

click below for some dark scifi reading...


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Matt lives in a time of DRAGONS (review)

Living in Times of Dragons: The Remnant King Book One

John A Pretorius (@JohnAPretorius1

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20

“I don’t pray a lot for myself. You can say that’s my default setting. I don’t like admitting that I have no control and the events of the past months only underscore this. The idea, the Christian idea, that we have no control over anything has always scared me.” 

Dragons eh? Next to magic might just be the most overused fantasy trope – with seemingly every author putting a dragon into their stories these days to channel the huge fan base these legendary creatures have. So when picking up Living in Times of Dragons I was expecting another standard dragon-em-up mixed with magic and set in an alt near future South Africa. What I got was a fascinating remix of the standard lore, some interesting characters and an injection of Christian faith into the tale too. 

We get to join American ex-pat, father and widower, Roger Rommel – your average guy with issues, one thing is sure though – he didn’t believe in dragons. And so as Pretorius says in his blurb - unfortunately they did not return the sentiment.

Roger finds himself in South Africa after a self-imposed exile and runs headlong into a confrontation with dragons who it turns out are real and want to kill us!? Our ‘hero’ though has something up his metaphorical sleeve - a dream crafting ability which allows him some foresight into the future (although I don’t think he saw the dragon danger). Might he be the one person who can stop them?

Turns out the man vs dragon conflict has been raging for thousands of years old out of sight of most of us and Roger and his son are in serious danger. Who will survive and what will be left of them?

I’ve got to know John a bit on twitter over the last few months – both writing books at the intersection of the spiritual and fantastical gave us pause to check out each other’s tomes. I asked John about his thoughts on writing his, he told me:


“The inspiration for my book Living in Times of Dragons is not a linear line, but the basic kernel for it came when I was trying to find a story for private detective I thought up called Roger Rommel.

“The dubiously named Roger was created around the time I began to explore film noir and American detective fiction by the likes of Raymond Chandler, which happened after leaving school. It was also around this time where I first encountered CS Lewis (whom I never read as a child), GK Chesterton and the somewhat forgotten American author James Stoddard, all whom lit a fire in my imagination. Originally I wanted to use Roger for a noir novel with him as protagonist, but that went nowhere. I then began a second, more fantastic novel that I got further in, but which also went nowhere. On and off I tried stories with him and other characters, and those books never got off the ground

'there are all sorts of different dragons!'

“I ended up thinking about the character visiting an office of a rich prospective client, setting up your usual case of dames and blackmail. Roger would get distracted and look out the window, only to see a dragon flap its wings over the Pretoria skyline. After circling, the dragon went to attack them, singling out Roger. This scene does not even appear in the final book or any of its drafts, but it served as the seed for a series projected to be four books long, of which three are in a state of completion.

“Major literary influences are all over the map, but there are three major sources. I was definitely influenced by Lewis' more adult fiction like his Cosmic Trilogy and JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, but it definitely drew its tone from two separate sources: Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep, and Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun cycle. Like in the latter, the book is written as a memoir of fantastic events, told at a definite time and place for the character, looking back on climactic events in their lives. Only difference is, Wolfe gives a definite ending for his character at the end of the first chapter. The Big Sleep, and Chandler on the whole, was a huge influence on the general tone Roger takes in narrating events..

“The biggest influence was probably GK Chesterton's The Man who was Thursday. Despite being written in the early 1900s, it feels like what you'd get if the Monty Python gang tried to write a Christian allegory in the form of a James Bond parody. A mindscrew of epic proportions, it has many thematic overlay with the Remnant King saga, and also has a character named Doctor Bull for good measure. Although it keeps its meaning oblique, a study of the text indicates that the novel was written out a frame of mind of depression, of someone trying to make sense of a chaotic world.

“Finally, two other influences that are not very apparent, is the Bible, particularly the Book of Job and the Book of Jonah, as Roger is something of an amalgamation of the two, just cast as a detective.”

Living in Times of Dragons does a lot of world-building as it is the first in a planned franchise. I found that at points the dialogue gets very detailed in places which might put off those who enjoy a faster-paced romp. But it weaves an interesting tale and is hopefully the start of series that will ratchet up in pace as it goes on.

Pretorius writes with an interesting style and the book has some great flourishes including a map, some visuals and font play which I’m a fan of so grab the paperback if you have chance. Overall if you’re looking for a modern dragon fantasy – this is a solid addition to the genre that brings enough new thinking to the party to be worth taking a look.

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(4 - Dragons can still be relevant in this remnant)

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Trigger Warning: Downrange vs Carnage Park


Trigger Warning: Downrange vs Carnage Park

The premise of an unseen shooter picking off targets isn't necessarily a new one but it can be an effectively ghastly one. There are a number of films that have elements of this: Netflix’s Red Dot has the titular scene of a couple menaced by the laser sight of a sniper set against a beautiful snowy landscape. Then there’s the sickeningly powerful final third of Full Metal Jacket which sees crack US marines helplessly pinned down by a lone sniper. In Brit thriller Towerblock the plot effectively brings a ‘retribution through sniper’ motiv and Targets back in ’68 riffed on the average guy snaps – buys lots of ammo and starts shooting random people. Let’s not forget the claustrophobic Phone Booth either which took the location and minimised it.

Baddie snipers can be found in Jack Reacher, Dirty Harry films and American Sniper to name but a few. Horror auteur Ti West explore the trope in Trigger Man and there are a seemingly never-ending number of entries in the Sniper movie franchise where it’s the hero with the long barrel gun.

Here though I’m looking at two real gut-punch horror flicks – the ‘new fresh prince of horror’ Mickey Keating’s Carnage Park which my favourite description of is ‘the hills have eyes and they also have a sniper rifle’ and the cinematic tour-de-force and incredibly violent Downrange from Ryûhei Kitamura…

So let our sniper-em-up showdown commence:


Downrange (18)

Dir. Ryûhei Kitamura

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

“Sergeant, we have a shooter in an elevated position. Request state assistance as soon as possible.”

The fear of the unknown is a primal one. The fear that somewhere in the aforementioned ‘unknown’ is a maniac with a high-powered rifle who wants you dead is even worse… Hold that thought.

Country road trips can be taxing – but they’re generally less fun when you get a tire blowout. Meet Todd (Rod Hernandez) and his girlfriend Sara (Alexa Yeames) a young couple giving a ride to their pals Jodi (Kelly Connaire) and Keren (Stephanie Pearson), Eric (Anthony Kirlew) and Jeff (Jason Tobias). All is fine with flirty banter and small talk until one of their SUV’s tires explodes. As the youngsters struggle to change the tire and Sara tries organise a group selfie a muffled gunshot fizzes out of nowhere blowing most of her head apart.

From that moment on Ryûhei ‘Azumi’ Kitamura's Downrange changes from being just another teen road movie into a nail biting survive-em-up which amps up the tension along with the body count.

'I spy with my little eye...'

The bogeyman sniper is a fearsome enemy. Well positioned, relentlessly accurate and in no hurry to rush through his latest batch of victims. It’s a simple but hugely suspenseful set up that sucks you in with powerful cinematic scenery and likeable victims and won’t let you go until the final girl tries to face down the killer.

There are plenty of other horror tropes mixed such as the ill-fated occupants of another vehicle bearing a family happen along, I don’t fancy their chances... And then the police arrive – will they save the day or are they too going to be walking target meat bags?

'things get a bit out of hand...'

Downrange is a visually visceral experience, it is not a film for the easily shocked or those looking for some light-hearted entertainment.  If you thought Kitamura's nihilistic No One Lives was his darkest work, think again. Here is a sniper bogeyman for the ages, the terror and tension engage on a primal level and the level of savage glee on display is purely disturbing in the best possible way.

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(4.5 - Wrong place, wrong time, grim but fun)

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Carnage Park (18)

Dir. Mickey Keating

Reviewed by Matt Adcock (@Cleric20)

“Well, sir, some folks might get mad... some folks might even wanna take a little revenge. 'Cos idle hands, Well... They're the devil's playground. The Bible says so, so it must be true. But... Either way, out here - there's one thing that's certain. God don't pick no favourites.”

What happens when a deranged Vietnam Vet is left to create his own psychotic ‘carnage park’ in a dusty stretch of hell? Here we have a film that is part ‘true crime’ shot through Tarantino filter – bank heist gone wrong / turns into kidnapping / then goes full gnarly gore-fest.. You have to give props to a film that bears the title card: ‘The film you are about to see is perhaps the most bizarre episode in the annals of American crime.’

'dem country folk have odd ways'

If you’re getting Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes then you’re on the right (twisted) path. After a monologue from our sniper gun lovin Veteran Wyatt Moss (Pat Healy) we get to join a calamity prone duo of felons named Scorpion Joe (James Landry Hébert) and his partner in crime Lenny (Michael Villar). Lenny’s not doing so good - bleeding out in the backseat of the getaway car whilst unwitting hostage Vivian’s (Ashley Bell) screams echo from the trunk. So far, so Reservoir Dogs, but this is merely a prelude to the insanity and ‘carnage’, which forms the main part of the film.

'get away car'

Vivian is a survivor you see but for a good part of the film its her versus Wyatt in a savage battle of cat-and-mouse shot though with a heavy dose of insanity and some very nasty deaths. The lean, mean plot works to the film's advantage, and the gruesome tour around the killer’s bunker of body filled mineshafts is a hark back to ‘70s massacre films in the same way that Rob Zombie worships those heady days of horror.

Taking a trip to Carnage Park is a rollercoaster of thrills, spills and heavy-duty shocks.

Out of a potential 5 - you have to go with a Darkmatters:


(4 - Shoot em all - let God sort them out...)

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Both Downrange and Carnage Park are well worth checking out for those who like to test themselves  – and would make a seriously ‘killer’ double bill!?