DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

Read my novel: Complete Darkness

TREAT yourself to the audiobook version: DARKNESS AUDIOBOOK
Listen to the PODCAST I co-host: Hosts in the Shell

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Bombs: Darkmatt not dead!!

Despite the efforts of whoever was responsible for the cowardly, unjustifiable attacks on London this morning - I'm still alive. For that I am extremely grateful, but equally sobered that if I had been 20 mins earlier then I would have got hit by one of the underground attacks on the Tube...

It makes you think, at least it made me think - in particular it made me give thanks to God and marvel that sometimes it's worth being that little bit late.

My prayers are with those injured and their families.


dorna! said...

Good to know you're okay. I've done a head count, so far all my peeps are safe.

Shrinking Wop said...

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of London today.

I'm glad you are safe.

Anonymous said...

I have just come across this site looking for information. My brother was within 10 metres of the bus explosion...

Thankfully he is ok but has been locked in a building with a few people as it is not safe to leaev yet. He has been there since about 1045 with no food or drink.

I hope everyone is safe and well.