11:14 (15)
Dir. Greg Marcks
Reviewed by Matt Adcock
11:14 is a bad time of night… 46 minutes to midnight, things can get a bit out of hand, people may do things that they will regret in the morning, innocence, reputations and even lives will be lost. It’s going to get nasty, but it’s great fun to watch!!
We’re getting reports of a crime outbreak occurring around a small radius on the outskirts of town. There’s been a hit and run fatality, an unidentified corpse has been found in a drink drivers’ trunk, somebody has been throwing various objects (burning books, hamburgers, other food products and intimate body parts) out of a moving vehicle and it seems that some guy’s been spotted holding up a convenience store. But perhaps more importantly, who’s that promiscuous honey in the short skirt? How come she’s seeing 3 different guys and at least two of them believe she’s pregnant? What won’t they do to try to get her cash in order to take care of it? What happened to those punks in that camper van? How the hell did one of their penises end up severed - lying on the tarmac? Damn, that’s got to hurt…
11:14 is an interlocking singularity of live changing events, each linked somehow and all based on the time of the title. It’s a delicious puzzle, played out from various points of view – it’s a film that you’ll want to watch twice, just to revel in how cleverly the film makers mess with your head (think Donnie Darko meets Memento)!? It’s stylish stuff and benefits from a stellar cast including the seriously cute Rachel Leigh Cook – who really goes for it as the teen vamp, looking all like butter wouldn’t melt on her hypnotically curvy breasts until she goes and literally screws a guy to death!? Patrick Swayze has fun as her disapproving dad, Hilary Swank is on hand as a store clerk who gets held up and shot and upcoming talent like Ben Foster and Colin Hanks all put in good work.
For me it felt a lot like ‘Go’ – young lives intersecting, most of them getting wrecked in the process… basically it seems that life can be unhinged by the smallest thing - at any age…
Darkmatters rating system (out of 5):
Action ööö - compelling and clever but grim
Laughs ööö – some juicy dark humour
Horror ööö – brutal in parts
Babes öööö – Rachel Leigh Cook is very hot!!
Overall öööö (11:14 - a bad time of night but a great fun film)

"Rachel Leigh Cook... central to a lot of mischief!"
Drax Review
Darkmatters: H O M E
1 comment:
Great review. Not for every r=watched, nor it seems, for every reviewer.
I get a kick every time I watch. Relax and away you go!
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