DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

PS3 flOw, rub dub, blast factor ...Gaming Heaven

"PS3 female warrior... who looks a bit like my wife - fancies a game of Virtua Tennis 3!"

"Freaky fun for the whole family (of aquatic microbe munching snakes)..."

Downloaded flOw, Blast Factor and Super Rub-a-Dub this weekend from PlayStation Store - wow, very addictive stuff!! Add a Virtua Tennis 3 purchase and mix for a family friendly Easter Weekend of PS3 mayhem...

Get your juices 'flOwing' Check this out:

Hypnotic, entrancing and altogether gorgeous... playing flOw is awesome and not unlike being tripped out on endorphins.

"Duck or Shark... is it so wrong that I prefer the bonus shark levels where you get eat the ducklings!?"

Super Rub-a-Dub is summed up excellently by Pro-G:

"What adds longevity and excitement to what would otherwise be a fairly short-lived novelty is the instant world ranking you receive on finishing each individual stage. Returning immediately to a level to shave a few tenths-of-a-second off your time, or to gather just one or two more ducklings, is irresistible, when it means you might jump hundreds of places up the leaderboard to the top-100, or even make the best ten scores in the world."

Darkmatters rating system (out of 5):

Super Rub-a-Dub: öööö

Blast Factor: ööö

flOw: öööö

Virtua Tennis 3: öööö

Darkmatters: H O M E
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