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Monday, April 09, 2007

The Woods 2 - review

The Woods 2 (TBC)
Dir. Paul Wade

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

'The Woods' was a little known cult Brit horror film of the lowest possible budget variety- made by a renegade production company known only as ‘Wade Bros Productions’…

It was a messy, amateur effort - pretty poor to be honest - but it did have grains of potential and the mysterious Wade Bros obviously felt there was still a lot more to explore with the mythology they created (and when I say created I obviously mean ‘ripped off’) with their strange woods phenomenon.
And so, as is often the case, a sequel has been made...

Here's the plot synopsis (from the Editor and Star Tom Wade’s Blog): “After being chased, mauled and left for dead in the 1st terrifying 'Woods,' the drifter (Simon Wade) now takes up the mantle of 'The Woodsman.' Along with fellow Woodsmen (Paul and Dylan Wade) they rage terror like never witnessed before on innocents who happen to stray in their path. Following the death of his brother and pet dog at the hands of such creatures, special agent Mack Power (Tom Wade) sets off to confront the creatures one last time...”So I hastily seeked out the 2nd film in the potential money spinning franchise which is 'The Woods'.

Man, The Woods 2 is not just a bigger, nastier, louder and longer version, this is like Evil Dead 2 and 3 blended together – just with more half naked Wade brothers running about the woods than malevolent evil dead… But hopefully you get the idea!? Everything is a step up from the first movie – not least the levels of violence, nudity and erm, running through the woods…

Poster quote:

“The Woods 2 is the sickest, most disturbing movie I’ve seen in the last half an hour…” Matt Adcock – Darkmatters

Darkmatters rating system (out of 5):
Action ööö – half naked hill billies run amok
Laughs öööö – I found it hilarious but that might just be my sense of humour!
Horror ööö – graphic it ain't, but the implied mutilation is certainly unsettling
Babes ö – I don’t fancy any of the cast members…

Overall ööö1/2 (horror fans should seek this out on YOU TUBE)

Or find it here:

"they don't call this guy 'special' agent Mack Power for nothing...

- he has special needs... and a gun!"

H O M E...


Tom Wade said...


That review is definitely going on the poster...

Now what did you think of the Maze?

Anonymous said...

Wow this looks like the greatest film ever. What gorgeous people it has in it too! I cant believe that u didnt give it a higher babes rating!

Anonymous said...

These Wade boys will obviously go far...

Anonymous said...

You should review they're other works! Such quality needs reviews such as yours

Anonymous said...

I heard that Tom Wade sleeps with a light on. Not because he is scared of the dark - but because the dark is scared of him.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Tom Wade does not rise to the challenge, but the challenge bows to Tom Wade...

Anonymous said...

Apparently Tom Wade has no control button on his computer. Tom Wade is always in control

Anonymous said...

who's this new wade? dylan, is it? he looks the most talented of the lot.