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Showing posts with label PlayStation®. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PlayStation®. Show all posts

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Resistance 3 comes to life - And Darkness Descends

"Dare you enter?"

And Darkness Descended... 
- A live action adventure experience based on the new PS3 game Resistance 3!? 

Experienced by Matt Adcock

"that's the smile of a survivor!"

Sony are pretty cool when it comes to game launches and so for the third in the Resistance Franchise, PlayStation 3 have commissioned immersive theatre specialists, Punchdrunk to create a unique survival experiment fusing theatre and gaming.

So you get to 'be' one of the last humans alive, stumbling through a mutant creature infested film set that is designed to freak even the hardiest gamer out... It's one thing when facing alien creatures and mutated humans on a screen (with a virtual gun to keep them at bay) - it's another thing entirely when you have to try and sneak through a hellish medical lab filled with wailing wounded, in the dark, stalked by alien creatures, with no weaponry of any sort.

I had to quote Frost from Aliens: "What the hell are we supposed to use man? Harsh language?" but even harsh language (or screaming very loudly which seemed to be the tactic employed by the females in our group) didn't work on our flesh hungry foes...

We weren't allowed to take pictures 'in' the adventure either but I did manage to do a quick sketch (below):

"imagine this but darker..."

The Waterloo Station Arches, are where the 'And Darkness Descended..." experience is hosted and  Playstation / Punchdrunk have done a great job in putting you actually into the prequel to the Resistance 3 game. 

Our plucky group's mission was to get a code to some US survivors - the rules were simple, if you get touched by an enemy - you're out of the game (which sounds fine until you see a friendly marine being dragged off into the darkness by one of the enemy creatures)... 

"Playing the game with a nice glass of red wine was for those who made it out..."

Things went a little nuts after we somehow managed to unlock an abandoned computer terminal and send our code message. We'd already 'lost' some of our group and so when a nearby door was broken open silhouetted in the red light was a freak-show alien - we few survivors ran for out lives - see below (where a helpful Sony PR guy took our photo):

"the men made it out - led by the fastest / most cowardly green cardigan man, the women... 
ah well, they're probably tastier for the aliens to snack on anyway!?"

If you're brave enough to want to try this experience, you can - find out if there are any placed left for Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September by emailing accesslive@scee.net stating your preferred date...

Times: 19.00-23.00 3rd and from 14.00-19.00 on Sunday 4th September 2011

Venue: Waterloo Station Arches, Leake Street, SE1 7NN 

18 years, ID may be required. Trainers or running shoes are highly recommended.



"They're everywhere - this pic taken on the Northern Line"


Thursday, September 30, 2010

PlayStation® Game Runners Public Open Day

PlayStation® Game Runners Public Open Day

Matt Adcock

If you read the original info about PlayStation® Game Runners you'll be wondering when and where the public can get to try this cool new gaming experiecne...

I can now confirm that the date has been chosen, the place decided and the awesomeness cranked up...

Friday October 8th at Ely's Yard, The Old Truman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane, London, E1 will see things happen that you will not believe...

Following on from the announcement that BLOCKS has been chosen as the winning social game for the Game Runners project we are pleased to announce details of the public open day.

Anyone can drop in and try BLOCKS and take part in our competition. Please register your attendance online via our Facebook fan page or on event site between 12pm and 6.30pm.

We would love to hear your thoughts about BLOCKS via our Facebook fan page, we would also like to announce the Twitter hashtag #PlayStationGameRunners where we welcome your tweets on the day.

Throughout the afternoon an exciting live paint session will be conducted by End of the Line; a collective of skilled aerosol artists, designers, illustrators, photographers and producers who create breathtaking large scale commissions and conceptual designs. You can see them in action here.


Open play and live paint session 12pm to 5pm
Free play on small BLOCKS format @ 30 stations

Final tournament from 6.30pm
Groups of people in heats (heat 1 - groups of 8 people x 30 = 240 players, heat 2 - groups of 4 people x 30 = 120 players and heat 3 0 groups of 2 x 30 = 60 players)

Finals from 7.30
Knockout (32 players to 16 players to 8 players to 4 players to final top 2 players)

Event finishes at 8.30pm


Game Runners is an experimental project where PlayStation, members of the public and young people from diverse backgrounds have come together to create social games; PlayStation believe the best games are played as a group.

The project has been developed by PlayStation and Hide & Seek with a team of 8 initial Game Runners who PlayStation have picked to train as game designers to work together to make the games relevant to the public.

About Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE), based in London, is responsible for the distribution, marketing and sales of PlayStation®3, PlayStation®2, PSP (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®Network software and hardware in 99 territories across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Oceania. SCEE also develops, publishes, markets and distributes entertainment software for these formats, and manages the third party licensing programs for the formats in these territories. Since the launch of PlayStation 3 in November 2006, over 38 million units have been sold globally and continue to be sold at a record level. Maintaining its position as one of the most successful consumer electronic products in history, PlayStation 2 has sold over 146.1 million systems worldwide. Since its launch at the end of 2004, over 62.7 million PSPs have been sold globally, highlighting the importance of the portable entertainment market. With the huge increase in interest and accessibility of network applications and network gaming, over 52 million accounts have registered to PlayStation Network, the free-to-access interactive environment, and over 1 billion items have been downloaded.

More information about PlayStation products can be found at www.playstation.com .

PlayStation, the PlayStation logo and PSP are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PS3 is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

"Kratos uses the new PlayStation Move..."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

PlayStation Game Runners – Next level street gaming

PlayStation Game Runners – Next level street gaming

Matt Adcock takes Darkmatters to the streets with PlayStation Game Runners...

This is an experimental project where PlayStation, members of the public and young people from diverse backgrounds come together to create social games. PlayStation believe the best games are played as a group.
The project has been developed by PlayStation and Hide & Seek with a team of 8 initial Game Runners who PlayStation have picked to train as game designers and work to make the games relevant.
There are three games in development: Flags, Blocks & Hoops. The games are in prototype stage and during August there will be a series of playtests to develop the games.

This week I had the chance to run around the streets of London playing HOOPS and it was major fun. Plus we were victorious as the mighty 'Team Green', because although it's fun taking part, there are no points for second place!!

You can get involved in PlayStation Game Runners at http://www.facebook.com/playstationgamerunners, where you can learn about the different games, meet the Game Runners and get involved. Fans are invited to comment on the games and support The Game Runners.
The most popular game – as decided by the fans – will be selected and put forward into development and then put into action at a live event to be announced, where fans can try out the game for real.

Commenting on PlayStation Game Runners Carl Christopher –Ansari SCEUK states ‘ PlayStation has always been about the fun of playing games. These games are inspired by the need to manoeuvre. PlayStation Game Runners is a experimental vehicle to explore getting fans of PlayStation together - online and in real life – to play, share ideas, and help progress the games. ‘

The three games in development are:

Hoops is an urban adventure that takes the backyard past-time of shooting hoops to an intense new level. Played out across a large area, teams of eight must work together to discover hidden stashes of balls, find shooting points, and then get the ball through the hoop.

There are many hoops hidden around the streets, so be on the look-out... Sometimes the player will be able to shoot the hoop in one throw; sometimes, the team will have to work together to pass the ball from the shooting point to the hoop. Many teams play simultaneously, so there are lots of chances for interceptions. This is a game where teamwork, communication and a good throwing arm are key...

Blocks is a three-dimensional game of strategy and precision movement. Two opposing players take it in turns to place the blocks in a 2 x 2 tower. Every face of the block has a PlayStation symbol on it. When a player places a block, the symbols on all touching faces must match. Here’s the tricky bit: all the blocks are a little bit uneven, and so stacking a high tower gets harder and harder. The player who lets the tower topple, or who runs out of time to make a move, loses the game. You’ll need a logical mind and a steady hand to triumph!

Flags is Noughts and Crosses transformed into a fun, social team game. Played on a 3 x 3 grid with a flag in the centre of each square, teams of three compete against one another to make a winning row. Players capture a flag by out-numbering their opponents on the square for a full ten-count. If you don’t get to ten, you don’t raise the flag... Flags begins as a fun and chaotic game. but players soon develop complex tactics to dominate squares. You’ll need great communication, quick thinking and fast movement if you want to succeed...

Team Green - winning the HOOPS game

Want to know more about Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE), based in London, is responsible for the distribution, marketing and sales of PlayStation®3, PlayStation®2, PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®Network software and hardware in 99 territories across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Oceania. SCEE also develops, publishes, markets and distributes entertainment software for these formats, and manages the third party licensing programs for the formats in these territories. Since the launch of PlayStation 3 in November 2006, over 38 million units have been sold globally and continue to be sold at a record level. Maintaining its position as one of the most successful consumer electronic products in history, PlayStation 2 has sold over 146.1 million systems worldwide. Since its launch at the end of 2004, over 62.7 million PSPs have been sold globally, highlighting the importance of the portable entertainment market. With the huge increase in interest and accessibility of network applications and network gaming, over 52 million accounts have registered to PlayStation Network, the free-to-access interactive environment, and over 1 billion items have been downloaded.

More information about PlayStation products can be found at http://www.playstation.com/.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Darkmatters hearts PlayStation MOVE

Prepare for the future - it hits in September!!

by Matt Adcock

PlayStation Move kicks the ass of all other motion control options...

You have to love e3 - some of the biggest games get announced (Sony rocked up with a new Twisted Metal, Portal 2 and the excellent looking Sly Cooper HD package last night).

SCEE however also announced that it will release the PlayStation®Move motion controller for PS3 in September... And it looks the absolute business!!

The new PlayStation®Move navigation controller, can be used alongside the motion controller for intuitive navigation of in-game characters and objects, will also be available on day one. THe Legend that is Kevin Butler was on hand to mock Xbox 360's Kinect - pointing fingers as a gun? What is this primary school??

LOL - but Sony don't need to tell the gun nut crowd that nobody will want to play a motion gun game that has no trigger to pull... And with more than 16 dedicated titles for PlayStation Move available on the day of launch and 40 more slated to hit throughout the holiday season, both casual gamers and hardcore gamers will have plenty of reasons to clear their coffee tables and immerse themselves in the most precise and ultra sensory gaming experience ever.

PlayStation Move titles showcased at E3 include:

SingStar Dance
Heroes on the Move (working title)
SOCOM 4 - bring those trigger fingers!
Heavy Rain Move Edition
echochrome ii
Sports Champions
Time Crisis: Razing Storm
Toy Story 3
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

PlayStation Move which is out in the UK on September 17th.

Prices are as follows:

- PlayStation Move Pack (includes PlayStation Move controller, the PlayStation Eye camera, the starter disk which includes the games Beat the Sketcher, Blocks and echochrome 2) - £49.99

- The PlayStation Move controller on its own - £34.99

- The Playstation Eye camera on its own - £24.99

- The PlayStation sub-controller on its own - £24.99