DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Katie Holmes to be Wonder Woman??

"You want iconic outfits? This one will do!!"

Katie (see you on Monday sweetie) Holmes, with her long brunette locks, is apparently up for the part of a new Wonder Woman film... Producer Joel Silver is planning to bring the sexy superhero back for a new generation and Holmes on his list of possible hot pant fillers…

“I'd have to read it," Holmes told AAP in Los Angeles while promoting Batman Begins (which I’m seeing tonight).

Mmmmmmm - here's shot of Katie wearing a gold dress - she's certainly got the hair for Wonder Woman - and most of her other attributes seem to be present and correct too!

"Future Mrs Cruise? Bet Tom'll make her keep the costume if she does bag Wonder Woman role... as 'marital aid'"


Dan Dorman said...

God Bless you for posting this pic. You and I are continually on the same wave length (check out one of my more recent posts - something I did without having seen yours first) and it's a little scary!

Anonymous said...

A pregnant Wonder Woman? Her brief, B-list career is pretty over now. Sorry, Charlie :(