DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Friday, August 12, 2005

Long-View Rock Letchworth...

"FURTHER - The awesome new single from Long-View"

Long-View in David's Music...

It's not everyday that you find a superb new indie rock band... And even rarer that you walk into your local indie music shop and find them playing a live set - right there in front of you!!
But that is what happened this week - on Monday 08 August Manchester band Long-View released a stunning single 'Further' and on that day I bought their excellent album 'Mercury'... Then after checking their cool website I see that they are listed to be playing in a shop which is 10 minutes away from my house...
And so I go to the shop...
And behind the 'New Pop/Rock' section of David's Music, Letchworth...

Surely that's not Long-View?

yes!! it bloody well is LONG-VIEW and they are rocking out with 5 tracks including one from their as yet unreleased new album...
And they are superb live... Forget the cramped area, the heat, the slightly bemused customers who did not expect to find one of England's hottest new bands in their local shop...
They also seem to be decent blokes - cheers for the signed 7" guys and nice to hear that at least one of them appreciated PWEI...
All in all a bit of a special experience and I can't recommend their single FURTHER enough - buy it now!!
Then get the album because it's a killer...

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