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Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Darjeeling Limited - review

The Darjeeling Limited (15)

Dir. Wes Anderson

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

“I love you too, but I'm gonna mace you in the face!”
This is the kind of brotherly love exhibited in Wes ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’ Anderson’s odyssey of total family disintegration and partial reformation - The Darjeeling Limited.
Here we have the tale of three brothers who embark on an epic railway journey of discovery through India, with a view of rekindling their love for each other and the hope of finding their errant mother.
In true quirky Anderson form, before the main feature rolls there is a bonus short film called Hotel Chevalier which serves to introduce brother number 1 – Jack (Jason Schwartzman) and give insight into his fragile state of mind. Seems he’s in the midst of a painful break up with his girlfriend (Natalie Portman) and has also become estranged from his brothers after the dearth of their father.
Then The Darjeeling Limited kicks in and we find Jack on a life-changing train trip through India planned by his domineering elder brother Francis (Luke Owen). Also on board is middle brother Peter (Adrien Brody) and together these guys form a family that takes the word ‘dysfunctional’ to a whole new level. As is the case with most of Anderson’s films, The Darjeeling Limited is a window into a poignant, mesmerising and heart warming reality where the journey matters more than the destination. By turns highly comic and then without warning utterly tragic, you’ll laugh, cry and be deeply moved as the film meanders across the screen with wonderful style and gorgeous cinematography.
It’s really hard to put your finger on quite what makes this so special, but be assured that this is a film to be savoured in the utmost. Here is a spectacle that no lover of film should miss, an adventure of the spirit and a wanton indulgence – how else can you countenance three wealthy Americans traversing some of the poorest areas on earth from a luxury train?
The brothers are each memorable characters and the situations they are put through encompass all of human nature. Owen is particularly impressive and shows a range and depth far beyond his lightweight comedy roles of late, although there are no weak links here. Even a small cameo by Anderson favourite Bill Murray leaves a lovely retina burn on your mind. Missing The Darjeeling Limited would be to impoverish your 2007 cinematic experience – go and witness this as soon as you can.

Out of 5 you have to go with a cult classic 5 (Anderson back to his Rushmore best!)...

Darkmatters ratings:

Action ööö – enough but not too much
Laughs öööö – not many belly laughs but strong humour
Horror ö – no pretty tame really
Babes ööö – yummy Amara Karan is very watchable

Overall ööööö (magical mystery tour - delivers)

"brotherly love - writ large and in an amusing detail!"

Darkmatters: H O M E
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is something I really like about his films, something that Tom DiCilo should have been if he had not strayed into pseudo Woody Allen territory without the constant wisecracks - Wes's work is wonderful, I really enjoy filmmaking at its most pastiche.

Rups :)