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Friday, September 16, 2011

Are you 'MOVE -ING' yet?

"The PS3's Move Controller... Suitable for self defence!?"

80+ Games Using PS3 Move Control Option

Matt Adcock
There are currently 83 games available or being made for the PS3 that can be controlled with the funky 'MOVE' controllers... From shooters such as Killzone 3, Resistance 3 and the upcoming Bioshock Infinite through the sport sims of Tiger Woods, Sports Champions and Virtua Tennis 4 on to party / dance games like Singstar Dance, Start the Party and TV Superstars - there are lots to keep you leaping about in front of your TV - and that's without the cool 'unique' experiences such as Flight Control HD, Heavy Rain, LIttleBigPlanet 2 and Child of Eden. Seems that actress Christina Ricci is a fan too - check these shots of her playing some PS3 Move games below:


Thaddeus said...

I'm not ashamed to say, great post & even greater pictures! Especially the hallway shot. I hope Ricci either really does love PS3, or she got financing for some Indie project by showing up in that dress and looking so excited about something that looks like... a glowing vibrator?

Thaddeus said...

No wait, a futuristic microphone. Maybe she imagined it was the former.

Matt Adcock said...

Cheers Thad -great comments! We should swap links?

Thaddeus said...

My pleasure, Matt! My site's halafilmstudent.blogspot.com. I've been posting and commenting more than usual since I got my first vacation in a year =) It's so good to have time again...