Red Princess Blues Animated: The Book of Violence (TBA)
Dir. Dan Cregan
Reviewed by Matt Adcock
As my dear mum said to me at an early age "everyone has violence in them", it just seems that ‘Princess’ voiced by Paula Garcés has more than most though – she’s the 12-year-old star of this stunning short animated prequel to the forthcoming full feature film ‘Red Princess Blues’.
Red Princess Blues Animated: The Book of Violence is the work of Dan Cregan - Creative Director of the visual effects house known as ‘Numb Robot’ and it comes on like Elektra Assassin: the early years meets MTV’s The Maxx.
Filmed from the point of view of ‘Princess’, this is the scene-setting tale of how she discovers the ‘Book of Violence’ and her seemingly innate talent for handling weaponry… which bodes well for a possible rampaging orgy of vengeance that we can look forward to in the main film. Think Natalie Portman in ‘Leon’ preparing to be something like Anne Parillaud in 'Nikita' (two of my favourite films there) = high expectations!!
The animation on offer here is impressive; bringing a unique style, which I hope, will be mirrored in the live action feature film. As tasters go Red Princess Blues Animated: The Book of Violence certainly whets the appetite and should certainly be checked out by anyone who enjoys anime / adult friendly animation. This is seven minutes you will not forget in a hurry!
DARKMATTERS RATING SYSTEM (all ratings out of maximum 10):
Endorphin Stimulation: öööööööö (8)
- Sets the scene nicely...
Tasty Action: ööööööö (7)
- Palpable tension
Gratuitous Babeness: ööööö (5)
- Princess is likely to be hot when she's grown up in the main film!
Mind Blight / Boredom: öö (2)
- Only 7 mins so no time to be dull
Comedic Value: öööö (4)
- Not going for a comedy vibe
Arbitrary final rating: öööööööö (8)
- A strong and intreguing prequel
Liable to make you:
"poke around your nearest bookshop - looking for books of violence"
DM Poster Quote:
“Some people have a talent for violence... meet Princess”

"Open with caution - this is the 'book of violence'"
Darkmatters: H O M E