DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

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Showing posts with label tasty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tasty. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Max Payne Competition - take the payne home!!

Darkmatters Max Payne Competition

Pay attention - here's the lovely swag that the cool people at FOX have made available:

Be the envy of your mates with a bullet hole ridden t-shirt, a cool Max Payne wallet and erm, a cap too... Here's how:

If you live in the UK and can finish this sentence you'll be in with a chance...

"I don't believe in heaven, I believe in ____________"

Email your answer to: darkmatters@another.com

Good luck!!

Read the Darkmatters review of Max Payne here: http://darkmatt.blogspot.com/2008/11/film-review-max-payne.html

Monday, September 29, 2008

Darkmatters vs Empire's 500 Greatest Movies of All Time

Darkmatters top 10 of Empire’s top 500…

This month's wonderful Empire magazine has listed their 500 Greatest Movies of All Time, below are my top ten favs from their list - let me know where you're top films ended up on the Empire list...

10. Brick (empire’s 489 / 500)

9. The Crow (empire’s 468 / 500)

8. Unbreakable (empire’s 452 / 500)

7. True Romance (empire’s 157 / 500)

6. The Matrix (empire’s 39 / 500)

5. Aliens (empire’s 30 / 500)

4. Die Hard (empire’s 29 / 500)

3. Star Wars IV: A New Hope (empire’s 22 / 500)

2. The Dark Knight (empire’s 15 / 500)

1. Fight Club (empire’s 10 / 500)

Empire’s number one movie was: http://www.empireonline.com/500/99.asp

Three of my favourite films that are not in empire’s 500 (that should have been!):

Dust Devil (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104155/)

Pi (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0138704/)

and Static (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090069/)

"If you've never seen STATIC, you're missing a real treat... try and track it down!"

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Dark Knight...

"Oh baby... JOKER is my favourite bad guy!!"

"I couldn't be more excited about this... IMAX anyone!?"

gotta love this dialogue...

Bank Manager:
"The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in? What do you believe in!?"

The Joker:
"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger."

Click through here to the infamous FILMSTALKER and watch 5 wonderful minutes of what just might be my film of the year!!
LINK: http://www.filmstalker.co.uk/archives/2008/07/the_dark_knight_five_minutes_o.html

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wanted - the 'are you a wolf or a sheep' review

Wanted (18)

Dir. Timur Bekmambetov

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

It's a choice, that each of us must face:

…remain ordinary, pathetic, beat-down, coasting through a miserable existence, like sheep herded by fate…

…or take control of your own destiny and join us, releasing the caged wolf you have inside…

As a massive fan of the Mark Millar and J. G. Jones graphic novel (which really put the ‘graphic’ into the novel) upon which this is loosely based, I’ve been anticipating Wanted ever since it was announced. It’s the story of chronic loser Wesley Gibson (the excellent James McAvoy), a downtrodden hypochondriac whose girlfriend is sleeping with his best friend and whose lardy boss at his dead-end job lives to make his life hell every single day. Could this Wesley actually be the son of the world’s greatest ever assassin? Might he have an intrinsic killer instinct and be blessed with unnatural ability to curve bullets in mid flight? Yes it’s another one of those geeky heroes who get their wildest wishes fulfilled plotlines but here it is played out as the ultimate balls-to-the-wall action overload.

Wanted should be your first choice this summer for violent high octane, seriously over the top adventure. Timur ‘Daywatch’ Bekmambetov directs the insane pulse pounding action channelling the spirit of Fight Club, Die Hard and The Matrix all at the same time!

From the second that the scales fall from Wesley’s eyes and he enters a world of fast cars, big guns and a badass new girlfriend / mentor named ‘Fox’ (a stunning Angelina Jolie), you can do nothing but buckle up and enjoy the ride. The superhero / villain plot of the graphic novel has been ejected and replaced with a real world secret society of assassins who ‘kill for Fate’ back story. This actually works really well but might disappoint some fans of the Millar original. Anyway, Wesley undergoes a brutal training regime in order to hone his killing skills - his eventual target a rogue assassin named Cross (Thomas Kretschmann) who murdered his father.
Morgan Freeman is on hand as Sloan – leader of the Fraternity who employ this roster of killers and the crunching action builds up to a supremely satisfying climax.

"Jolie as 'Fox'... by name and nature!"

Scenes where the hero has two guns and takes on a host of enemies can be awesome such as in The Crow or Equilibrium but Wanted sets a new benchmark with a truly jaw dropping gunfight. And this comes hot on the heels of the spectacular fights, car chases, assassinations and general devastation delivered throughout; basically this is stupid set-piece action heaven.

Wanted puts McAvoy in the big league for leading man roles and blows the competition away in terms of hardcore action entertainment… bring on the sequel ASAP!!

DARKMATTERS RATING SYSTEM (all ratings out of maximum 10 but '-' is bad whereas '+' is good):

Endorphin Stimulation: ööööööö (8)
+ Top draw wish fulfilment on many levels

Tasty Action: öööööööööö (10)
+ You won’t see better gun action all summer!

Gratuitous Babeness: öööööööö (8)
+ Jolie has never looked better or been cooler

Mind Blight / Boredom: ööö (3)
+ Cracks along at a great pace

Comedic Value: öööööööö (8)
+ There are some decent funnies

Arbitrary final rating: öööööööööö (10)
Essential viewing for graphic gunplay action fans!!

Liable to make you:
"quit your job, become an assassin, live by your own rules…"

DM Poster Quote:
“the answer to that big fat void in your life… is WANTED"

"did I prefer the graphic novel? sure - but both are great (and different)..."

sample dialogue:

Fox: I knew your father.
Wesley: My father died, [pause]
Wesley: the week I was born.
Fox: Your father died yesterday in the rooftop of the Metropolitan Building. He was one of the greatest assassins who ever lived.

And the other one is behind you...

Wow, just seen The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw's review - talk about a sheep, sorry, a guy with a different and obviously valid opinion...
Guardian gets the wrong end of the comic book stick_review

Monday, January 21, 2008

No Country for Old Men - review

No Country for Old Men (15)

Dir. Joel and Ethan Coen

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

In the land of the free they say that ‘there are no clean getaways’, and No Country for Old Men takes that notion and splatters it large across the screen in a stunning, violent modern classic. Opening with a fantastically barren Texas vista, a captivating voice-over sucks you immediately into the world of central protagonists Vietnam vet Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) and washed up sheriff Ed Tom Bell (a never better Tommy Lee Jones).

So one day Moss stumbles upon and takes a bag containing millions of dollars, the previous owners of which are now conspicuously dead in a rather obvious drug deal gone wrong. This is the trigger to a nail-biting odyssey that sees all manner of very nasty characters on the trail of the ill-gotten bounty. The plot is a faithful adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's highly charged but desperately bleak novel, which the Coen brothers have taken and wreathed in classy noir western, hard-boiled road movie styling.

Thrillers just don’t come much tenser or with a more palpable air of danger – No Country for Old Men plays like a super charged western style sequel to my favourite Coen brother’s film up until now - their debut Blood Simple.

Here is a movie where everything is up for grabs; the gathering storm that whirls around the loot evokes a feeling of how one bad choice can lead to unprecedented life wrecking repercussions.
Credit must also go to Woody Harrelson who delivers over and above the call of duty as a slick hit man ‘cleaner’ sent in by a crime boss to try and sort out the escalating situation. But even he can’t hold a candle to the unstoppable killing machine psycho named Anton Chigurh (Javier Bordem), the scariest cattle abattoir gun wielding, remorseless bad guy you’ll ever wish to meet. Here’s a tip, if you meet a blank faced bowl cut styled lunatic like Chigurh, the chances are he’ll be the last thing you ever see – and if he asks you call ‘heads or tails’ on a coin toss, at least you’ll have a fifty percent chance of living…

No Country for Old Men is an awesome experience - a perfect storm of a talented cast, quality source material and stunning direction, mixed with jaw dropping cinematography and the best use of sound in a film ever? The first contender for film of the year already!!

NEW DARKMATTERS RATING SYSTEM FOR 2008 (all ratings out of maximum 10):

Endorphin Stimulation: ööööööööö (9)
- This will make you think 'dear God is there hope for any of us in the face of unfathomable evil?'

Tasty Action: öööööööö (8)
- Some wicked shoot outs, chases and stand offs

Gratuitous Babeness: öööööö (6)
- Kelly 'Diane from Trainspotting' Macdonald is still cute

Mind Blight / Boredom: ö (1)
- Long but only those with ADHD will get at all bored

Comedic Value: öööööö (6)
- Sly dark humour, but certainly not a comedy

Arbitrary final rating: öööööööööö (10)
- An awesome cinematic experience!

Liable to make you:
“Saddle up and search the prairie for $2million in drug money, or buy an abattoir cattle gun ”

DM Poster Quote:
“Somewhere in the darkness of men's souls lies redemption… just not here...”

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Amber Heard - New film hottie on the scene...

amber heard sexy
"she's got the looks... and her film career is taking off - hold tight!?"

 Amber Heard - smokin hot!!A friend asked me the other day when I was going to post some new 'film babe shots' - I said "as soon as I came across a new hottie worth taking notice of..."

I think you'll agree that Amber Heard fits that bill quite well!?

Catch the delectable miss Heard this Summer in:
Horror flick - All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

amber heard hot skimpy

or in drama flick -
 H O M E
Day 73 with Sarah

or in comedy flick -
The Beautiful Ordinary (which also features previous 'Darkmatters babes of note' - Leighton Meester and Marne Patterson)amber heard sex
"These shots are the from the short lived 'Hidden Palms' which tried to replace the O.C."
amber heard sexiness
As Cmndt. Eric Lassard would say in Police Academy:
"I think this picture speaks for itself!!"
amber heard porn
"Not sure who that bloke is in the background... nice hair mate..."


These great shots of Amber and her sister can be found here

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"And soon the darkness - quality acting!"

amber heard bikini sexy
"Amber Heard can sunbathe with the best of them!"