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Friday, June 03, 2005

Film Review: Sin City

"Hell of a way to end a partnership. Hell of a way to start my retirement. "

Sin City (18)

Dir. Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, with special guest director Quentin Tarantino

The dame looked good, she was hot and she knew how to turn it on… The guy following me wasn’t so pretty, it was going to get nasty and I knew only one of us would walk away alive… Welcome to SIN CITY, it’s a hell of a place to visit. To paraphrase Clive Owen’s Dwight “I guess it’s time to prove to your friends you’re worth a damn. Sometimes that means reviewing the coolest film on the planet. Sometimes it means killing a whole lotta people…” or something, I might have got that last part wrong!?

Sin City is not for the faint of heart, you won’t enjoy it if you object to cinematic violence, nudity, violence, sexist costumes, comic books or violence. But despite all that (and for some maybe because of all that): Sin City is the most awesome, disturbing, action packed head smack of a movie ever made. A turbo charged comic book ‘film noir’ spewing black fumes and leaking gallons of blood. Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, with special guest director Quentin Tarantino, the highly stylised, gritty dark world of Sin City has set a new cinematic standard for nitrous-fuelled entertainment. The cast is absolutely ‘spot on’ with Mickey Rourke just excellent as the hard-boiled bruiser ‘Marv’ and Bruce Willis was born to play ‘last honest cop in Sin City’ Hartigan. Elijah Wood and Nick Stahl meanwhile conjure up two of the most despicable screen villains ever as cannibal Kevin and Roark Jr, if these guys don’t make you feel repulsed and dirty then you probably need professional help.

And what about the women of Sin City? Well, you simply will not find a better looking collection of females on the big screen this year. Jessica Alba is jaw droppingly sexy as Nancy Callahan but then again Jaime King (Goldie), Brittany Murphy (Shellie), Alexis Bledel (Becky) and Devon Aoki (as the deadly Miho), all burn shapely silhouettes into your mind’s eye. Phew, is it getting hot in here?

What else can I say? Sin City is a masterpiece of pulp fiction, and even those who frown on the over the top violence will admit that it is visual experience unlike any other. My friend Jo told me that Sin City left her ‘traumatised’ so don’t go expecting a sweet romantic comedy (the clue is in the name after all). But for those looking for an extreme dark adrenaline overload, a visit to Sin City is a must.

Darkmatt Rating: ööööö (The wages of Sin are... fun?)

"A handy guy to know if you're traumatised by Sin City"

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