DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

Read my novel: Complete Darkness

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

100,000th visitor to Darkmatters will get bonus...

"this is what the bottom of this blog looked like this morning..."

Almost a year in the realm of Darkmatters

So it's almost a whole year since I started this blogging thing. And whilst I'm preparing a special little 'review of the year' for the anniversary (09 Dec) the question is – can I hit 100,000 'unique' visitors? by that date?

It’s a nice round number – and yes - I know that ‘real’ websites and pro-blogs get more than 100k hits in a matter of minutes, it still amazes me that so many folks would find there way here to this slightly ‘off the beaten track’ blog of film reviews, strange fiction, cool games, hot females and spiritual ponderings…

And here’s a fun thing – if you are the 100,000th visitor I’d be prepared to offer you the chance to post your own entry on Darkmatters – it could be a film review, some blatant self promotion (a photo of yourself if you’re a foxy babe!?) – whatever… All you need to do is prove that you’re the 100,000th visitor by hitting the ‘print screen’ button on your keyboard and pasting it into an email to me (cleric@another.com) and we’ll take it from there…
If you're almost the 100,000th visitor, you should probably email in anyway as there's a high chance that the 'actual' person may not have read this post and that would give you the chance to 'nick' their opportunity...

"let us pray for the souls of those who have visited Darkmatters... we will remember them"

Reviews and other stuff you might want to read indexed here

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