DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Monday, December 19, 2005

Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine are back (well sort of)...

"Carter USM... they were the best, and here is a wonderful thing - the 'lost' tracks"
The Good, The Bad, The Average and Unique
Carter f The Unstoppable Sex Machine f
"Hang on baby, baby hang on!"

How happy am I? Exfreakinstatically overexcited – because of a new CD but not just any CD, this is Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine - The Good, The Bad, The Average and Unique.

What’s the big deal with this?
Well it’s an emotional thing, a nostalgic thing, a CD that I never thought would ever be made…
Back in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s Carter USM were my very favourite band… In a career that spanned 10 years, Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine's achievements included a number one album, decking Philip Schofield live on TV and many hit singles whose lyrics dealt with such unlikely pop themes as child abuse, corrupt landlords and AIDS. Their ferociously entertaining live shows have earned them the most dedicated fan followings in the wonderful world of alternative pop – I was one of those fans…
The memory of Reading Festival ’91 is strong in my mind, Mike (icon) Brooks and I were there, ‘30 Something’ T Shirts worn proudly, loving every minute of it… It was possibly Carter’s finest hour…
Then as Carter finally imploded about ’95, Mike and I found ourselves one evening at an exclusive promo gig held in the big Virgin Megastore on Oxford Street. Carter played a track called ‘Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Everything’ and it rocked, but it was never released…
Until now.
Good, Bad, Average has ‘Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Everything’ on it as well as some other very tasty unreleased songs like the awesome ‘Hounded’, loads of demos, some sound checks and live tracks… In a word it’s CARTER Nirvana!!

I love it and I strongly recommend that you check the ‘Shoppers Paradise’ where you can purchase it for the bargain price of £12…http://www.carterusm.co.uk/

“Things are getting better now…
I read it in a junk mail letter how,
I saw it in a magazine,
I heard it on the Indie Scene…
Now you know everything, about everything…”
I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the person I am today if Carter USM hadn't existed... No Carter, no Darkmatters...
And it was the song Shoppers Paradise (a Carter B Side) that cemented my love for them - read these lyrics and hopefully you'll see what I mean...
"Ground floor Shoppers' Paradisehabit-dashery, needles, spoons and knives knuckle-dusters, glass jaws and wooden hearts
Spend your money girls on sprays and lipsticks tested on bunnies, girls, strays and misfits
ozone friendly rape alarmsfor those blinding dates - another summer of hate
It's the top shop for the tired and rundown going up for the final comedown
First and second floors, third and fourth world wars
We've got a free pair of flares with every hip replacement - just take the stairs to the bargain basement
Babies bottles full ot the milk of human 'kind-nestle'
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls - the big shop is open it's a wonderful world
Top floor Shoppers' Paradise we've got a drunk Father Christmas and The Antichrist
We've got nothing of value so there's no V.A.T. we're going S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G.
We take Visa, Access, American Express patched-up, hand-me-down, second to next bestclothes for all ages, mothers and babies
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls the big shop is open it's a wonderful world
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls the big shop is open it's a wonderful world!!
Going down for all the things you missed all the love, peace and happiness that don't exist
We've got enpsychopaedias we've got pic 'n' fix - a government freezer full of benefits
A children's assortment we're bigger than Hamleys
We've got Cabbage Patch orphans from Sylvanian Famllies
Carpets, Iinoleum, holy petroleum, Chemi-kaze killers, little Hitlers and Napoleans
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls - the big shop is open and the world is wonderful..."
Come back CARTER... the world needs you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello mate, just a quick question. Was Shoppers Paradise a b side before they released it on 30 something?

Probably was my favourite song of theirs, although I was a sucker for any cover they did, the version of 'rent' on the live album was amazing