DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Treat - Brooks's Mickled Onions

"May contain erm, well your guess is as good as mine!?"

Blatant Product Endorsement: Brooks's Mickled Onions

This came today - a Christmas present from one of my very best friends - Mr Mike Brooks.
The man is obviously a marketing genius!! Just gotta love that packaging...

You know - back in the day, when we were young pups discovering the joys of drinking and stumbling home with a packet of hot chips in one hand and a hot woman in the other - we used to share a mutual appreciation of what we termed 'SERIOUS' pickled onions...

I can confirm that the mind altering, mouth tingling properties of "Brooks's Mickled Onions" brought those memories flooding back like some kind of freaky flashback... But wow - they sure do go well with cheese on toast!!

Cheers m8 - I need to put in a bulk order...

"It's the secret recipe that keeps you guessing - or it might be the pink hat!?"

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1 comment:

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