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Sunday, February 12, 2006

X Men 3: The Last Stand - new artwork

"tasty new X Men 3: The Last Stand artwork"

More Xmen 3 artwork

Darkmatters: H O M E


Tom Wade said...

I think that Aintitcool got it right when it said that this looks just like the poster for Rent! Also what has happened to Rogues hair? Seems like they've overdone the white hair thing on my favourite X lady. I'm a big fan of Xmen but just cant get excited by this film - I mean Brett Ratner, not one to excite the filmgoer is he? And early buzz on the film is very negative. Looks like I'll have to leave my comic book need for Superman instead...

And count yourself lucky - I saw the Brothers Grimm yesterday in Romania...

Matt Adcock said...

Thanks Tom... I'm prepared to hold out hope that X3 won't suck too bad (watch me be completely devastated when it does...) but then I enjoyed Fantastic Four so it may be that I'm just too easily pleased!?

Although having said that - I didn't like Bros Grimm... that sucked unholy ass!