DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Spurs deliver Birthday cup win!!

"this is for the Arsenal fans... thanks for letting us win the semi final!!"

Would just like to thank Tottenham for bagging a superb Carling Cup win over Chelsea yesterday - it really was the best B'day present I could have wished for...

Having said that - have got some nice presents to enjoy including Unreal Tournament III (PS3), The Crow (one of my all time favourite movies) on Blu Ray and Matter by Iain M Banks... 'Matter' what great title huh!?

Cheers to friends, family and Tottenham alike!!

Last year's B'day post: http://darkmatt.blogspot.com/2007/03/older-darker.html

or '06's post: http://darkmatt.blogspot.com/2006/02/matts-birthday-number-35.html
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