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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Keira tops FHM's Sexiest 100 Woman 2006

"proving that you need to have massive up front assets to be sexy?"

Keira Knightley is tops

Actress and all round gorgeous bit of fluff Keira Knightley has topped the UK readers of FHM's poll of the world's 100 sexiest women.

We can take Pride and not a little Prejudice in this result that proves British men have good taste...

Glamour model Keeley came second in the poll, closely followed by US actress and Tom's dream woman - Scarlett Johansson.
Also in the top 10 were Lost's Evangeline Lily, Jessica Alba and Jessica 'Daisy Duke' Simpson.

Sci Fi nerds obviously know their women as they helped get Dr Who's Billie Piper almost into the top 10 (11th place), followed by also attractive Sienna Miller.

The survey got nearly 2 million votes... And the magazine's editor Ross Brown said: "FHM's 100 sexiest women in the world is growing year by year and 2006 has seen more votes than ever. Keira Knightley truly deserves to be the winner of our 2006 poll and she's an English rose like no other."

"Keira celebrates winning the poll with a night out in Luton's Buck Wilds"

"languishing down in 60th place... spare a thought for Anna Kournikova... she's still worth it!?"

More lovely shots of Keira Knightley

Darkmatters: H O ME


rach said...

Fantastic. Her rise to world domination is all going perfectly to my plan. Once she reaches the top, I will surreptitiously kidnap her and take her place myself. No-one will notice and the world will be mine.


Carl V. Anderson said...

Kiera is indeed an attractive young lady. Scarlett J. got 1st in FHM U.S. this year and of the two I find her more "sexy", but truth be told I like them both equally. Kiera was wonderful in Pride and Prejudice...a movie that I have watched to death since it came out on DVD.

I'm a little confused about the quote "proving that you need to have massive up front assets to be sexy" under Kiera's picture as she definitely DOES NOT have 'massive up front assets' which to me proves that you don't have to have them to be sexy!

Matt Adcock said...

Thanks Carl... I meant to have a '?' after the "proving that you need to have massive up front assets to be sexy" - as it was supposed to be a debate starter!!
I'll correct that now.
And Rach - that's possibly the comment of the year! Good luck with your plan!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Keira has a nice face, but she's far too skinny. :/ Good that she's getting notice though.