DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Monday, April 03, 2006

DOA: Dead or Alive movie... babetastic

"the girls of DOA didn't mess about when dealing with unwanted advances from samurai"

DOA: Dead or Alive

The movie adaptation of the best selling 'hot females kick the living daylights out of everyone' video game series Dead or Alive has a release date for the UK of 01 September.

The movie centers mostly on the female fighters in a brutal competition (to the death) which takes place on an exotic island, somewhere near Luton I think...

'Talent' signed up so far includes - ex popstress Holly Valance, Jaime 'My Name is Earl' Pressly, Sin City's own Devon Aoki and Elektra's Natassia Malthe. Let's just hope it's better than the awful Streetfighter movie which had Kylie in it!!

Read my review here: Review DOA

"Holly Valance tries out a mean snarl in preparation to be Christie Allen in DOA"

"Devon Aoki: so cute but so deadly..."

Darkmatters: H O ME

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