Mission: Impossible III (12a)
Dir. JJ Abrams
Reviewed by Matt Adcock
Predictably, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to have your pleasure senses slickly beaten into submission by 2006’s first real heavy-duty action blockbuster.
And I do mean ‘beaten’ because you’ll be reeling as M:I III delivers its payload of top quality action, vertigo inducing stunts and palm sweating suspense over and above the call of duty. Director JJ ‘Lost and Alias’ Abrams proves he can do serious business on the big screen, Tom Cruise carries off his macho duties effortlessly and Philip Seymour Hoffman plays the slimiest, nastiest bad guy to grace the screen in some time.
Foxy babes are on hand too in the shapely forms of Michelle ‘Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang’ Monaghan as Tom’s cute wife / obvious kidnap target and Keri Russell as fellow agent codename ‘Blonde Bit’.
Best of all for me though was a killer performance by home grown funnyman Simon ‘Shaun of the Dead’ Pegg as Benji Dunn - a kind of Q-style computer boffin who saves Tom’s ass – give that man a supporting actor Oscar!! I loved him in Channel 4’s Spaced and absolutely can’t wait to see next year’s Hot Fuzz police comedy.
Anyway, Mission Impossible III manages to pack just enough plot around the outstanding action sequences (if you’re not thrilled by the missile and helicopter attack on a bridge you should check yourself for a pulse) to keep you guessing. I won’t spoil it for you but needless to say that Cruise’s mission does indeed look highly erm, impossible.
What more do you need to know? If you don’t like action films then there’s a tiny chance that you won’t enjoy this, but even then it’s entirely possible that M:I III will convert you.
One of the friends I saw this with told me afterwards that I shouted ‘whoa that’s cool’ at least five times – that’s five times more than in most films. M:I III really does blow away the first two M:I films and should definitely be on you ‘must see’ list, in fact it’s so good that almost made up for my guttedness at Spurs’ failure to hang on to 4th place in the Premiership…
Anyway, this review will self destruct in about 2 years or so when M:I IV will possibly set an even more impressive entry into the series!?…but it’s going to be an almost impossible mission to top this one!
New rating system (out of 5):
Action ööööö - some of the best ever
Laughs ööö - a few quality moments thanks mostly to Simon Pegg
Horror öö1/2 - fairly brutal beatings for a 12a
Babes ööö - you'd want to be given resuscitation from M Monaghan!
Overall öööö

"Who's laughing now IceMan? Ha ha ha ha ha, oh sorry wrong film"
miiission impossible 3 photos and trailer
Darkmatters: H O M E
1 comment:
Went and saw it with the family on Friday night and was very impressed. One of the things that impressed me was that I was able to take my 13 year old daughter and not be bombarded with an incessant amount of language and sexuality. Plenty of violence though and what teenager doesn't need a bit of violence in their life? ;)
I enjoyed the fact that eventhough you saw part of the climax of the film in the opening scene the movie still felt super suspenseful up until that point. Nice review and a nice film to start the summer blockbuster-fest!
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