DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Matt to meet Halle 'Storm' Berry and Hugh 'Wolverine' Jackman!!

Yep, these two Xmen are coming to London this week...

I'll be putting some questions to them and checking out the new film!!

Yes, am excited!

"Halle shows that she's not going commando"

Darkmatters: H O M E


Carl V. Anderson said...

Awesome for you. Look forward to the details!

Tom Wade said...

Is this another one of those trips which you should take me on? For my personal growth...

Matt Adcock said...

Ah Tom... Meeting Halle will likely be hard, very hard and quite possibly hot too. Hugh should be a laugh, maybe next time eh? I've got everything crossed that Kiera decides to do some interviews to promote Pirates of the Caribbean 2!!

Tom Wade said...

Got to love a bit of Kiera - though you know I'm really holding out for Scarlett...

And I did not know about this alternative ending... Please enlighten me to what happened!!