DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Kate Beckinsale: top of my 'would like to interview list'

"Kate Beckinsale as the foxiest vampire ever... Selene from Underworld"

Am in a mild state of shock and disappointment - Kate Beckinsale only made # 85 in the FHM's 100 sexiest women in the world 2005. That's only one place higher than Dido!! (No I don't think Dido is attractive - sorry...).

Other females I would have thought might have done better include the wonderfully tasty Jennifer Garner # 31 and surely there's some mistake - Nicole Kidman at lowly # 96 !!??

Perhaps I should have voted...

Note to pal Si who is a huge Kidman fan - click her name to see lots of great photos of her!!

"does my bum look big in this? No Kate, it's perfect..."

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