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Friday, April 22, 2005

Star Wars fever burns - Lego?

"you can't win Darth... if you strike me down
I will just reassemble myself... now where did I put my head?"

Less than a month now to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and anticipation is mounting in our household. Books and new action figures have been bought, DVD's are playing back classic scenes and young boys are running around waving lightsabres shouting "use the force"...
I'm seriously considering going to see all 6 movies back to back on the 16 May and am going to have to see this new episode several times on the big screen...
And now we are hooked playing Lego Star Wars on the trusty PS2 - it is almost too much fun!! Two player, infinite lives toybox of pretty much everything from Episodes 1-3. You can be Darth Maul for goodness sakes. If ever there was a 'must buy' game for Star Wards fans - this is the chosen one (and the force is strong with it)...
Anyway - if you venture down to Leicester Square on the 16 May then (as well as a million sci fi nerds) you might also run into a patrol of Stormtroopers...
Like these:

"stormtroopers - designed in 1977 and still look cool"

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