DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Matt's off to Silent Hill

"Only the Dark One opens and closes the door to Silent Hill..."

We shall see - review this weekend.

In the mean time you can check out 10 mins of the film by clicking here:


"Radha 'Man on Fire' Mitchell... star of Silent Hill"

Darkmatters: H O ME


Anonymous said...

Immediate review required Matt!

Anonymous said...

I loved the game and i think this movie will rock. Cant wait to read your review. Dont include any spoilers!! :)

Carl V. Anderson said...

Haven't played the games yet though they always look cool. My games-to-be-played pile is getting as big as my books-to-be-read pile. I love the look of the film and really hope it ends up being enjoyable. I've heard mixed reviews...regardless I am going next week with friends. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it and LOVE the picture of Radha Mitchell!